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Joe goes biking

Desperate to prove Joe isn’t losing his marbles, Team Biden sends him out for a biking photo-op, and the news media declares “case closed.”

In an effort to “prove” that Joe’s brain isn’t turning into pureed spinach, the Biden Campaign sent Joe out biking in a park near his basement bunker. I think they’re taking the word “spin” a tad too literally.

But mission accomplished!

The Biden Rapid Response Team (AKA the mainstream news media) took the Biden Biking PR stunt and ran with it exactly as Team Biden wanted them to.

CNN covered it with this entirely on-message (though laughable) headline:



The “argument” here is, “See?! Joe isn’t suffering from dementia! Look!  He went for a bike ride!!!  He isn’t ‘Sleepy Joe!’ I bet Trump couldn’t go biking!!!”

Joe going for a bike ride “destroyed” the attack that Joe has dementia.

I mean, if you’re going to choose an outdoor activity to try and prove Joe is mentally fit, don’t choose biking for crap’s sake.

Have these people never heard the saying “It’s like riding a bike.” The saying literally means, and I quote, “Something that, once learned, is difficult to forget how to do.”

Maybe that’s one of the reasons some patients with dementia are encouraged to take up cycling for physical exercise.

I’m not exactly sure how CNN can claim with such certainty Biden being filmed on a bike “destroyed” Trump’s attack on Joe’s mental acuity.

Then again, CNN just published the campaign PR.  Team Biden provided the story.
Joe Biden’s Big Schwinn Adventure was a defensive maneuver. Clearly the questions about his lack of cognitive function are not only getting under Joe’s skin, they’ve also knocked his entire campaign team back on its heels.

Like a sick and dying King who is forced to stand at a balcony to prove to the people he isn’t sick and dying, Team Biden staged this little outing in hopes that it would tamp down the rising concerns that their decrepit old Presidential nominee isn’t up to the job.

Now, they’ll tuck him away again hoping the media’s all-hands-on-deck promotion of Joe on a Bike will carry them through the rest of the summer.

Like I said the other day, these guys just need to keep Joe from publicly unraveling long enough to drag him over the finish line.  That’s why they limit access to him.  It’s also why they won’t let him go to Milwaukee to deliver his acceptance speech.  And it is why the chances are very good that Joe will not be debating Trump in person – if at all.

From where I’m sitting, Team Biden is expecting far too much from a single bike ride in the park.