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Ted Yoho was right

AOC crumbles like blue cheese the instant Republican Congressman Yoho gave AOC a bit of the AOC treatment.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can dish it out, but she can’t take it.  After spending the last 18 months calling Republicans racists, white supremacists, fascists, and Nazis running concentration camps, AOC crumbled like blue cheese the instant Republican Congressman Ted Yoho gave AOC a bit of the AOC treatment.

But only a bit.  See, if Ted Yoho gave AOC the exact AOC treatment, he would have passive/aggressively taken to Twitter to hurl his insults hoping his Twitter followers would swarm her like flying monkeys.

But instead of being a passive/aggressive Twitter tough guy, Yoho told her directly.

According to poor victim Alexandria, Ted Yoho got in her face and gave her what-for – including calling her a f*cking bitch.

Of course Yoho denies he said that part.

But, honestly?  So what if he had?

She is a bitch — a passive/aggressive bitch who deploys others to attack the people who hurt her feelings, point out what an absurd, uneducated fool she is, or simply disagree with her on policy.

Even after Ted Yoho apologized for losing his temper with the thin-skinned little professional victim, AOC chose not to accept his apology.  I mean why simply accept his apology and move on when you can use the incident to passive/aggressively play the victim from the House floor?

And that’s exactly what she did.

From the House Chamber, AOC she did exactly what she does on Twitter: cry about being mistreated, then wait for others to rise to her defense and give what-for to the guy who gave her what-for.

Naturally, fellow members of the Squad fell in line and played Alexandria’s flying monkeys.

The chick always needs other people to come to her rescue.

Because she’s such a strong, empowered woman, or something.

As Jesse Kelly said yesterday on Twitter:
I’ve got no time for these “I am woman. Hear me roar!” types who claim to be delicate flowers as soon as they get treated poorly. It’s politics. It’s a contact sport. Buck up or get back behind the bar ‪@AOC. Embarrassing.

If on the one hand you brag about Republicans being “scared” of “strong women” while on the other hand you cry because a Republican wasn’t afraid to confront you directly, you’re not to be taken seriously.

Does Alexandria really believe she can hurl attacks at other politicians with impunity?  Does she think verbally attacking House colleagues is a one-way street?

And come on! Getting yelled at outside of the Capitol is small potatoes.

Back in 1858, pro-slavery Democrats and anti-slavery Republicans got into a full-blown brawl on the House floor.

What’s getting shouted at by Ted Yoho compared to that?

Americans are struggling to regain the losses forced on them by over-zealous state governments. Rioters are tearing American cities apart.  Crime in Alexandria’s district is exploding.  And through it all, the House of Representatives has been largely absent.

And instead of addressing the needs of her constituents, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez chose to waste precious House time whining because Ted Yoho yelled at her.

She’s not just a bitch; she’s a narcissistic faux victim who has to make everything about her.