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You gullible saps

“An appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last.” – Winston Churchill

Yesterday I mentioned that the push to “Defund the Police” has been a part of the Black Lives Matter agenda for years.  It’s one of the reasons that I roll my eyes in disgust at all the gullible saps who embrace the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag as a way to signal their virtue and prove they are “allies.”

Yeah, you’re allies of an organization that wants to strip your community of law enforcement, you gullible saps.

This is why I refuse to bend a knee and why I have nothing but contempt for those suckered by the Black Lives Matter movement.

Just as Antifa is not the “anti-fascists” they claim to be, Black Lives Matter is not what it claims to be.

And all you gullible saps who grovel and scrape and beg for forgiveness for crimes you didn’t commit are aligning yourself with an organization that seeks to sow chaos and anarchy.

You are surrendering to a radical Left movement that hates you, the country, our free market economy, and an ordered, civil society.
Great work, guys!

Yesterday, after the feckless mayor of DC had “BLACK LIVES MATTER” painted on the street in front of the White House, the DC chapter of Black Lives Matter attacked her on Twitter saying, “This is performative and a distraction from her active counter organizing to our demands to decrease the police budget and invest in the community. Black Lives Matter means Defund the police.” (Emphasis mine)

You understand?

Black Lives Matter means defund the police.

You hear that you gullible saps with your Black Lives Matter Facebook profile pictures posting selfies of you kneeling with your fist in the air?

Yesterday on Twitter, after President Trump mentioned George Floyd in his press conference, the disgusting junior Senator from California tweeted out “@realDonaldTrump, keep George Floyd’s name out of your mouth until you can say Black Lives Matter.”

Now, let’s set aside the Jerry-Springeresque “keep his name out of your mouth” retort, or, for that matter Kamala believing she has the right to dictate when the President can and cannot say George Floyd’s name.

Instead, consider that this woman, who never met a black man she didn’t want to prosecute, is demanding a President who supports law enforcement utter the phrase “Black Lives Matter” when, as BLM admits, “Black Lives Matter means defund the police.”

Is Kamala Harris a gullible sap?

No, she’s just a pandering piece of crap desperate to be chosen as Joe Biden’s running mate.  And she thinks sucking up to Black Lives Matter will get her there.

The fact is, I’m glad President Trump doesn’t say “Black Lives Matter.”  It’s refreshing to have a leader who doesn’t kneel to an anarchist mob hell-bent on destroying the fabric of our society as a way to pander to black voters.

You know, like this guy does:

Or these these Democrat Senators do:

Black Lives Matter sounds innocuous and agreeable, doesn’t it?  I mean who doesn’t believe that black lives matter?  But in reality, it is a weaponized phrase used by an insidious and destructive movement.

Maybe the gullible saps reflexively bending a knee to this radical group that wants them defenseless and afraid should stop and think about what they’re supporting.

You know, it is possible to hold to the truth that the value of a life is not determined by skin color without bending a knee to a radical movement that wants to tear the country apart.

And if you’re afraid of what might happen to you if you don’t bend a knee, take that as a gigantic clue that this is not a peaceful and well-meaning movement.

As Jesse Kelly said the other day, “A movement that can bring every major American city to a halt and put every major corporation on its knees is not an oppressed movement. It’s the movement calling the shots.”

And a lot of the reason it is able to “call the shots” is because gullible saps are tripping all over themselves to bend a knee and surrender as a way to appease the mob.

But as Winston Churchill once said, “An appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last.”

When a radical group holds an irrational hatred for you, nothing you do will ever convince them that you should be spared from their violence.

So who exactly are you gullible saps trying to convince?

My guess is, you’re trying to convince your fellow gullible saps who, like you, are too afraid to stand up to this kind of hate-fueled anarchy.

If Black Lives Matter gets what it wants, you won’t be spared.  Your community won’t be spared.  The country won’t be spared.

And no amount of “But I’m an ally! Look at my Black Lives Matter profile picture!” is going to change that.