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Denial of Truth Allows Easier Trespass

In order for devout leftist ideologues, and their allies in the media, to continue advancing their ideology they must pretend not to know things.  Denial of truth allows easier trespass.  Never is this more true than in the hoax behind “social distancing.”

We were told we could not bury our lost family members or have funerals or memorial services because the COVID-19 infection spread was based on proximity.

We were told that science and doctors were the experts who would guide the rules and regulations.  Those voices would shut down livelihoods; but we were guaranteed only the best science and health advice, not politics, was the reason.

It was all a lie.

Those same voices now say:

“As public health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19 transmission. We support them as vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people in the United States.” (link)

The manipulation of COVID-19, and all of the decisions within the weaponized fear of the virus, was entirely based on politics and ideology.  As soon as those health ideologues  needed to assemble large protest gatherings, they immediately dispatched the rules used against others.

We were told social distancing was required to prevent the spread of the virus; businesses needed to close; large gatherings had to be cancelled; sporting events totally shut down; concerts and movie theaters must remain cancelled and closed.

We were told it was necessary to stay locked-down and distant from your friends and family because the COVID-19 virus was dangerous and infections would escalate.

The decision today to advocate for and allow large protest gatherings proves all of that disinformation was a hoax.  It was not about the virus, it was indeed all about control.

This is an especially painful realization for those who could not hold funerals to bury their family members; however, it is also a wake-up call to everyone else to re-evaluate just how far the political left is willing to go in order to advance their ideology.

Today these voices pretend not to know what they have demanded for the past three months.

Today these voices pretend not to know the pain felt by people who were not permitted to grieve with their family or provide comfort for the afflicted.

Today these voices pretend not to know the economic hardship their scheme and hoax has brought down upon millions of Americans; ordinary good people who have seen their livelihoods destroyed at the altar of weaponized leftist ideology.

In hindsight the Tik-Toc dancing and gleeful celebrations within the medical community, while the hoax was being perpetrated, are a sickening reminder of those who would laugh in our faces while destroying our lives.

It was all a manipulative lie.

Let’s hope the vast majority of Americans will remember this in November….