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President Trump Remarks on DOJ Decision to Drop Charges Against Lt. Gen. Flynn

While meeting with Texas Governor Greg Abbott in the oval office President Trump reacted to the breaking news about the DOJ decision to drop the case against Michael Flynn.

President Trump notes Lt. Gen Flynn was “targeted by the Obama administration”, adding “a thing like this has never happened before in the history of our country”.  President Trump remarked “I hope a lot of people are going to pay a big price, because they are dishonest people; they’re scum.” … “they are human scum.”  “The Obama administration justice department was a disgrace, and they got caught, they got caught, they are dishonest people.  But much more than dishonest, it’s treason.”

President Trump continued: “I’m very happy for General Flynn he was a great warrior, and he still is a great warrior, now in my book he’s an even greater warrior.  What happened to him should never happen again; and what happened to this presidency, to go through all of that and still do more than any president has ever done in the first three years is pretty amazing when you think of it.”  [WATCH]