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#MeToo is officially dead

Cause of death: Joe Biden

Whelp. That didn’t take long, did it?  The #MeToo movement is officially dead from a self-inflicted wound — with a helpful assist from Joe Biden’s dirty digit.

Yesterday, the New York Times ran an opinion piece with the title “I Believe Tara Reade. I’m Voting for Joe Biden Anyway.”

Tara Reade’s accusation already put the #MeToo movement on life support, but this column was the coup de grâce.

So stop playing gotcha with the female supporters of Mr. Biden or the #MeToo movement, making them lie to the camera — or perhaps to themselves — about doubting her to justify their votes.

I’ll take one for the team. I believe Ms. Reade, and I’ll vote for Mr. Biden this fall.

And this:

Compared with the good Mr. Biden can do, the cost of dismissing Tara Reade — and, worse, weakening the voices of future survivors — is worth it.

Not only does this writer kill the #MeToo movement, but she also succeeds in exposing it for the fraud that it was.

It was always about political expedience.

So perhaps the more honest take here is that what died isn’t #MeToo, but the myth surrounding it.  The accusation against Joe Biden burned away the mythical veneer and revealed the craven, cynical reality beneath.

This was never about changing the culture so that victimized women are not punished or marginalized for speaking out.

And it certainly was never about making sure men who sexually assault women are held to account.

Don’t get me wrong, if anything deserves to die, it is the farce known as the #MeToo movement.

I said back in December 2017, that #MeToo was “the worst thing to happen to victims of sexual assault ever.” So I want to thank this NYT writer, the Senate Democrat Handmaids and the news media for proving me right.

Thanks to them, the next time they try to wield this weaponized fraud against someone whose politics runs counter to theirs, far fewer people will fall for their con.

By the #MeToo movement’s own actions, the very people who will be harmed the most are the very people #MeToo was purportedly created to help.

The victims of sexual assault.

So good going, gals!

You not only killed off #MeToo; you also stabbed victims of sexual assault in the back.
All in the hope that this handsy, decrepit old cooter can beat bad old Orange Man.