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Sally Kohn is an economic illiterate

Just because it’s mandated doesn’t mean you’re being forced, says noted Cable News Smart Person.

How is it Sally Kohn managed to get a reputation of being intelligent?
Because it certainly isn’t a reputation Sally has earned.

This morning we learned that last week another six million unemployment claims have been added to the already ten million from the previous two weeks.  This mandatory, government-imposed shutdown of our economy is destroying jobs, killing small businesses and creating an economic calamity that will only get worse the longer it continues.

But how did Sally Kohn react to this news?

Well, stupidly.

I imagine that anyone whose small business is about to go under just loves hearing Sally Kohn tell them it’s their choice.

Yup.  You CHOSE to watch your livelihood fail.  Nobody FORCED you*!
[*Except your mayor and your governor who deemed that your business was non-essential, that is.]

You’re watching your business go under just to “mask exploitation of workers” says the wretched, awful human being named Sally Kohn.

Sally knows nothing about how businesses work.

Does she think that small business owners have a never-ending gob-stopper of cash on hand to keep paying employees who are being ordered to stay home?

Clearly Sally Kohn has never owned a small business. She’s never had to make a payroll. Why should she? She’s a cable news pundit and she’s still getting paid.

Why is it always the so-called smart people whose paychecks are safe that smugly lecture those whose livelihoods are in the crapper?

Sally Kohn has no idea how much time, investment, effort and care goes into starting a business.  She’s never stared at a balance sheet and worried if she’ll have the revenues to meet expenses.

Sally isn’t spending every night of this pandemic lying awake in the dark worrying about losing everything you spent years building because of mandated “stay at home” orders.  

A business needs capital coming in to survive.  You don’t need an MBA to understand this.  Anybody with half a brain understands that.

Yet Sally Kohn doesn’t.

The reason there is no capital coming in is because of mandated shutdown orders imposed on us by governors.  For Sally, I’ll point out that if it’s mandated, it is forced.

In fact, the mayor of Los Angeles is urging residents to call the police and report any non-essential business that does not comply with his draconian orders. In other words, he is enforcing the mandate by use of snitches whom he will reward for snitching.
There is no freaking CHOICE here, Sally, you utterly stupid fool.

For her to suggest that small business owners (who up until a few weeks ago employed the vast majority of Americans) are just cavalierly, but CHOICE screwing their employees out of a job isn’t just insulting; it shows a callous lack of understanding — not to mention a heaping helping of smug ignorance.

I told you when the skyrocketing unemployment claims first began that Jesse Kelly is sharing tweets from small business owners who have no choice but to lay off their employees – and in many cases have no choice but to shutter their businesses permanently.

JK tweet - Sally Kohn is economically illiterate

These are real Americans whose lives, businesses, and livelihoods are being ravaged by a mandated shutdown enforced by their city and state governments. And Sally Kohn actually wants you to believe that they aren’t being FORCED, but are doing this by CHOICE.

Boy, I’ll tell you. Every time I think these idiots in the corporate news media can’t possibly get me any angrier, someone like Sally Kohn opens her gaping maw and proves me wrong.