I'm Sick…
Sick of corrupt governments and the cowards who empower them.
As I've been reading through articles all over the web covering the Wuhan China Coronavirus and, more to the point, the hysteria over it, I've seen many lament a variety of problems. The totalitarian overreaction (or purposeful and opportunistic overreach) of state government in response to the virus, the complete ineptitude of governors who were not at all concerned about human life months ago when it came to passing legislation allowing the wholesale slaughter of babies in (and even outside of) the birth canal, the utter disregard for the economic impact of shutting down entire states, talking heads who are more concerned with covering their own hides or passing blame than actually defeating the virus, a doomsayer "news" media with a goal of causing mass panic and pinning it on the President whom they've been trying to illegally overthrow since before this outbreak began, the list goes on, and such topics can be found anywhere.
The purpose of this article however is to nail the most important issue (in my opinion), which is at the very heart of this matter, because I have noticed some of my fellow citizens behaving like defeated cowards, and I must address this issue.
I have found some authors have come close to broaching it but none of them have actually made the connection.
(Skip to the bottom for the TL;DR version)
The President's Response
First let me write that the President's response to the virus itself was absolutely perfect. He banned travel with China and other affected countries early on, even while democrats resorted to their tired old trick of false racism accusations. Trump warned the entire nation of the danger of Coronavirus in his State of the Union speech. You know, the one Nancy Pelosi ripped up. Seems like she didn't "take the virus seriously". Trump has taken it seriously, and he didn't act too late. He was on top of this from the start.
However, the President's response to the economic plunge (more like an attempted economic murder) as well as the ensuing state-level shutdowns has been abysmal and a complete disappointment. Trump seems to be caving to the very same liberals who attempted a coup against him even as the Kung-Flu was first taking off in Wuhan China. He's even gone so far as to publicly threaten GM for not moving fast enough on restructuring their workforce and assembly lines to produce ventilators. I don't expect Trump to have a conservative's reverence for the private sector, because I knew he wasn't a conservative when I voted for him, but as a businessman he should know better than to use government authority to issue threats to an American company that was already cooperating and willing to help overcome this crisis.
Another problem I have is how he has allowed these dictatorial state governors to steamroller the economy he helped build up right into the ground through unconstitutional shutdowns of businesses they deem "non-essential". Not only a violation of private property rights, but a blatant violation of the Equal Protection Clause. Every job is essential to the person working that job, a truth multiplied when that person supports family members through it.
And as a quick aside, how do you like having your job declared "non-essential" by the government even as it deems abortionists to be "essential"? This is on a federal level, mind you, regardless of whether your state closed you down or not. Just because your state didn't shut anyone down doesn't mean the government would see you as "essential" if it decided to invoke a shutdown order (i.e. Florida). Also amusing is how the same government that stubbornly defends the outright murder of innocent unborn life now sanctimoniously browbeats dopey millennials for putting the elderly at risk by facilitating the spread of a virus during Spring Break. Isn't their rationale to place the female's personal desires over the life of her unborn child? Well if it is then don't be surprised when said female puts the same desires over the lives of total strangers outside her womb as well.
Anyway, back to Trump. His only answer to this outrage thus far has been to support the largest ripoff of the American taxpayer in American history, even going so far as to blast a republican congressman for daring to request a recorded vote on it. A $2.2 trillion dollar bill, that some say has an extra $4 trillion tacked on, and with more wasteful spending bills on the way. All so that the Americans who were put out of work by the government to begin with can subsist on the crumbs that fall from their own money! Only about 10% of the stolen money will go to Americans, and even in this, some people who are not affected might get a check regardless!
Don't misunderstand me. Trump hasn't pushed me away just yet. I still intend to vote for him in November, assuming we're still allowed to vote. I would vote for him just on the sole fact that we need Amy Coney Barrett to take RGB's seat when she finally… retires. My criticism of Trump stems from the same source of my anger toward all those in government who are mismanaging, or outright exploiting, this crisis. And that source is this truth…
The U.S. Constitution, and the rights recognized therein, are the only truly essential things government should be protecting right now.
Trump took an oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution. In letting these governors force healthy people to stay in their homes, to close down their businesses and kick them into the unemployment line, to arrest them for holding church services, or for peacefully assembling in groups more than ten, Trump has failed in his duty to defend our rights. In signing these massive spending bills he has helped usher in socialism, when not that long ago he told us that America would never be a socialist country. And don't tell me his hands are tied, because he has already correctly overridden these governors on the prescribing of hydroxychloroquine. Yes, one such governor (of Michigan) went so far as to threaten doctors and pharmacists not to prescribe the medicine to those with Coronavirus. So much for "my body, my choice", right? Yeah, unless you want to take the medicine that actually has a chance of curing the virus afflicting you. In that case the government is solidly between you and your actual doctor.
Thankfully, President Trump overrode this order as well as other governors' attempts to declare gun stores "non-essential". Trump should declare all businesses nationwide to be essential, and use the Interstate Commerce Clause to enforce it if necessary. He has already proven he has the power to do this. Get the economy back to work Mr. President!
And here is where we approach the heart of the matter…
What to do?
"But, but, the government has to do SOMETHING, otherwise people will die! Is that what you want?"
I've seen this argument made even by the gullible electorate that has foolishly gone along with this farce, or worse, called for an even larger jackboot or a heavier iron fist. "Suspend Habeas corpus", they shout. "Those Christians should NOT be meeting in church at this time anyway", they muse. "The government has the right to take drastic measures in times of crisis", they excuse, all while completely forgetting that government is what declared this a time of crisis in the first place! As I've stated before, if they can take your rights away over a cold, they can take them away over a warming. No surprise then that the previous president has already gone on record blaming Coronavirus on "man-made global warming", which according the same "experts" threatens the lives of ALL HUMANITY. So, if government can force you to stay in your home and out of your church over a projected 2,000,000 deaths, how much more can they do when the whole world's population is on the line? Have fun marching straight into the gulag, lemmings!
No one is saying the government shouldn't do "something". The question is what. Violating the Constitution should never be on the table. And this is where the liberal mind dusts off one of it's oldest tricks and re-purposes it.
"If you don't support these radical measures, then you just want people to die."
This is merely a repackaged race card. "If you're not for affirmative action, you're racist." See how easy it is to make such a nonsensical point? Yet apparently, most of the country approves of this. Why are we going along with failed liberal ideas all of a sudden?
For most, it's a simple matter of the media instilling fear into them. They fear that which they can't control, so they turn to radical authoritarianism for the illusion of safety. To those people I would remind them of this quote…
"Those who are willing to sacrifice essential liberty for temporary/illusory security will lose both, and deserve neither." - (Paraphrased) Often attributed to Ben Franklin
Have some perspective. There are more than 40,000 automobile accidents each year in the U.S. that result in a fatality. Are we "quarantined" from our cars? It is estimated that about 90 Americans die in a car accident every day. And that's nothing compared to the number of injuries resulting from a car accident. Time to suspend the Constitution, right? And remember, car accidents affect healthy people too, unlike most cases of Coronavirus that are asymptomatic or mild.
Well why don't you wanna ban cars? You want people to die?
Here's the sad truth folks. You are going to die. Maybe not today, or tomorrow. Maybe not from the Coronavirus, or maybe so. But you will die someday. Everyone will die someday. The only thing that we have the power to sustain through the ages is the concept of our God-given rights, as recognized in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
This leads me, finally, to the heart of this issue, which no one has touched on as far as I know. There's one argument I've heard that comes close, but misses the mark. I have heard the projected Coronavirus death toll in the U.S. compared to the number of those who died in the Vietnam War. This point is either made to scare people into compliance, or to try and smear Trump with a "This is his Vietnam, dur hur hur" argument.
But the truth people don't seem to realize is this, and I will illustrate it below.
Liberty's Death Toll
One million, sixty-four thousand, six-hundred and sixty-four, plus.
Do you know what that number represents? It's the number of people who died in all American wars on the American side (it excludes Confederates, another 290,000, many of whom believed they were fighting for states' rights).
Here are some of the wars with the highest number of deaths…
War Year Deaths Deaths per day
World War II 1941–45 405,399 297
World War I 1917–18 116,516 279
Revolutionary 1775–83 25,000 11
Mex–American 1846–48 13,283 29
Compare these to the "kill count" that the fake news media has on blast 24/7, and you'll see how absurd it is to be taken in by such numbers.
"Oh but what about all the American citizens who are dying from Coronavirus? More will die if we don't sacrifice our Constitutional rights!"
"Oh but what about all the American citizens who are dying from Coronavirus? More will die if we don't sacrifice our Constitutional rights!"
To that I remind you of another quote…
"Give me liberty, or give me death." - Patrick Henry
And thus we arrive at the main point. TL;DR version…
Look back at all the Americans, and also many foreign allies such as the French, who sacrificed their lives so that we the future generations could enjoy our freedoms and liberties. These great patriots sacrificed it all, and many more sacrificed limbs as well as their time and effort, to ensure that our God-given rights would endure through the ages.
What kind of people would we be if we discarded everything they did for us, and ignored all the deaths that secured our liberties? How can we as a nation, which we claim is the most exceptional in the world, just surrender all of those freedoms and liberties out of cowardice over a mild illness?
Switch Coronavirus with terrorism. Would we accept being locked in our own homes over that? Of course not. We'd say, "don't let the terrorists win".
Wake up fellow countrymen. The rights, freedoms, and liberties that so many fought and died for are being stripped away over an overblown crisis! They call this a war against a virus. But if this is a war, then shouldn't we the citizens be willing to die for our Constitution and our country as so many of those before us have already done? If not, then their deaths were for nothing. They died in vain, and so will our country with the precedent being set by recent government actions. We have no reason to continue in that case.
But if you are willing to take that 1% risk of your life against a virus to preserve our liberties, then speak out and tell those who are supposed to represent you that these draconian actions will not be tolerated, and will indeed be resisted by any and all means necessary, starting with the most peaceful solutions first. We will vote them out!
Personally, I would rather fight a virus than a fascist government.
Believe it!
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