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WOW! The First COVID-19 Vaccine Was Made in 'Record' Time and Phase 1 Trials Have Begun in Seattle


Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health says the United States has developed a vaccine for the coronavirus, COVID-19, in record time.  Fauci made the statement at the White House update on the coronavirus.

He told reporters that the first vaccine was given in Seattle on Monday.

"The vaccine candidate that was given the first injection for the first person took place today. You might recall that when we first started I said it would be two to three months and if we did that, that would be the fastest we've ever gone in obtaining the sequence to being able to do the Phase 1 trial. This has been now 65 days, which I believe is the record."

Fauci told a White House briefing on the coronavirus that 45 people in the coronavirus hot-zone of Seattle were given the vaccine and will be watched over the next year to determine its efficacy:

"What it is, the trial of 45 normal individuals between the ages of 18 and 55. The trial is taking place in Seattle. There will be two injections, one at zero day, the first one, then 28 days. There will be three separate doses, 25 illigrams, 100 milligrams, 250 milligrams, and the individuals will be followed for one year, both for safety and whether it will induce the kind of response that we predict would be detected. So it's happened. The first injection was today."

President Trump announced more efforts to quash the virus on Monday at the update. He urged people to avoid groups of more than ten people.

So far, there are about 4,100 confirmed coronavirus, COVID-19, cases in 49 states, Puerto Rico, and in Washington, D.C.