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Could Covid19 Show the Cracks of Urbanization?

As Liberal Mayors authorize the closing of schools and businesses throughout their cities, Liberals race to the grocery store, Costco and Sams, buy up all the goods they can......

Home deliveries stop coming to the high rises.

OK folks, now that all those people living on top of each other begin to notice the fridge getting empty, notice the grocer is closed and restocking isn't happening because all those jobs are by the very deplorables these city dwellers hate is stopping. Hmm......

What happens?

Could we be watching the greatest experiment in Globalization and Urbanization happening?  Could this get to be fun to watch soon?

We are already seeing the cracks in Globalization because of the Covid19 derived crisis, will we see cities becgin to crack from the strain of isolation and shortages?  LOL!

How soon will roving gangs of feral Blacks begin taking over the streets of New York, Chicago, Washington DC or Cleveland?

No sports to distract us, no debates to distract us, nothing but controlled news. Hmm.... Is it going toget fun? 

I for one hope we begin to see the strain of 24/7/365 hysteria by BREAKING NEWS and Liberalism  to bring about collapse of major Liberal cities.

Fun Times Folks........