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What Are Bureaucrats Really Good For?

I finished watching Deepwater Horizon a little while ago.

Exciting movie, but watching the final minutes reminded me of why we need to reign in the Bureaucracy.

Hollywood in their infinite wisdom lead anyone who watched the movie to believe BP was wholly responsible for that 87 day debacle in the Gulf of Mexico.

That well blew out in April 2010 and spewed oil until July 2010.

In 2010 my company was still operating and I contacted Transocean to see if they needed anything some of my Hydraulic experts could offer, we ended up sending two engineers to Houston to work with BP and Transocean analyzing what went wrong with the blowout preventer and look at why the casing shear ram failed.

What I learned from my engineers convinced me too much of this problem was caused by inept incompetent bureaucrats in Washington DC working in the Obama Administration.

Had the regulators in the Obama administration's Energy Department's not given BP one exemption after another for short cuts that led to the explosion, this disaster would not have happened.

Democrats in Congress enjoyed BP bashing in hearings, but what about the "regulators" who gave permission for BP's short cuts, etc.

What are their names?

Why did they issue the exemptions?

Are they still in their jobs?

The oil industry had been going to double casing ram shears a year before this disaster, yet the Obama regulators gave BP a waiver for this $15 million piece of equipment.

Remember how Obama exhibited shocking inability to marshall government forces to protect our Gulf is beyond a broken campaign promise, it was a typical betrayal of his oath to protect our country.

Like I said, a great movie and enjoyable to watch if you don't know some of the background.

Obama and his lackys cost 11 men their lives, BP over $20 billion, Transocean $5 billion, Halliburton $3 billion and untold pain and discomfort to people living along the Gulf simply because bureaucrats could not do their jobs.

Hell even the NYT's actually reported Obama and his lackys let America down, anyone remember Tide Pod Nancy Pelosi or Chuckles Schumer demanding he be impeached?
