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The latest Gallup poll is bad news for Democrats

Ooof. It isn’t just Trump’s approval rating in the latest Gallup poll that should have Democrats worried. It’s nothing but bad news all around.

As I mentioned earlier, the latest Gallup poll released this morning shows President Trump with a 49% approval number – which is Gallup’s highest approval of his presidency.

But that’s only part of the bad news for Democrats coming out of the latest Gallup poll.

When you look deeper, things only look grimmer.

But first, one last thing on Iowa because it does relate to the details from Gallup.

One thing that has gotten overshadowed (pun intended) by the abysmal mishandling of the Democrat caucus is the low turnout from yesterday.

Just last week, Politico reported that Democrats were anticipating very high voter turnout in Iowa.

The Iowa Democratic Party has been preparing for record-breaking turnout for more than a year, driven both by Democrats’ angst about President Donald Trump and by an unusually large field of candidates — many of them with their own significant, independent turnout operations. The state party chairman, Troy Price, said the party is anticipating more caucus-goers than in 2008, which set a record when 239,000 Democratic voters participated, lifting Obama to victory. [Emphasis Dianny’s]

Yeah.  They were wrong.

The Washington Post reported this morning that now the Iowa Democratic Party is saying that last night’s caucus is “on pace” with what they had in 2016.


And with such an enormous field of candidates too.

Say, what happened to all that “Democrats are going to turn out in droves because Orange Man Bad” wishful thinking, guys?

Well, perhaps we get a little peek into why from the latest Gallup poll:

As Trump’s job approval rating has improved, so has the image of the Republican Party. Now, 51% of Americans view the Republican Party favorably, up from 43% in September. It is the first time GOP favorability has exceeded 50% since 2005. 


But wait!  There’s more!!!

Meanwhile, 45% of Americans have a positive opinion of 
the Democratic Party, a slight dip from 48% in September.

Gosh.  I wonder what happened between September and now that would cause the Republican approval to climb by eight points to its highest percentage in fifteen years while the Democrat approval went down?


Oh, yeah! Now I remember.

Thanks Adam Schiff!

The Democrats put all their 2020 eggs in the impeachment basket and, boy, was it is an aggressively bad idea.

I’ve been saying for a year now that voters who gave the Democrats the House in 2018 weren’t voting for this garbage.

They weren’t voting Democrat so that shrill, angry little socialists could run the show.  And they weren’t voting Democrat so that Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler could spend the first year gunning for Trump.

As stupid as it might be, they actually thought the Democrats meant what they said when they promised to work on the things that mattered to these voters.

Rookie mistake, to be sure.  But it is what it is.

And now the pendulum is swinging back.

Iowa didn’t have that “record-breaking turnout” inspired by “Orange Man Bad.” And Impeachment, while wholly satisfying to the Media Handmaids and the Twitter Resistance😀, doesn’t play well among actual living, breathing voters.

Speaking of the Twitter Resistance😁.

In addition to the news from this latest Gallup poll, yesterday NBC News offered this nugget of information:

Oh, they’re dictating more than news cycles. They’re also dictating the entire Democrat agenda.

And therein lies the Democrats’ problem going into 2020.

They have stupidly spent the last three years believing that the raging hysterics on Twitter typified the average voter.

That’s why they blundered ahead with Impeachment.

That’s why they’re gob-smacked over the lack of enthusiasm and support among actual voters.

At this rate, I just do not see the Democrats learning from their mistakes.

And I admit. That gives me a happy.