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Speaker Pelosi Rebuffs Rep. Billy Long’s Suggestion That She Auction the Ripped Up Speech for Charity

 Speaker Pelosi Rebuffs Rep. Billy Long's Suggestion That She Auction the Ripped Up Speech for Charity
 Article written by Susie Moore in "RedState":

Representative Billy Long (R-MO) isn’t the most high profile member of Congress but he’s certainly a character. Long caught attention in 2018 when he drowned out activist/protester-turned-Congressional-Candidate Laura Loomer during a hearing involving Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey with his trademark auction call:

Long is also known for having the President autograph his loud ties and auctioning them off for charity and for frequently sporting a wad of cash hanging out of his pocket.  Those are $45 Trump bills, mind you (Get it? 45-Trump?!) but that little factoid was apparently lost on Mediate last night:

Missouri Republican Congressman Billy Long became an Internet sensation of the 2020 State-of-the-Union address for enthusiastically cheering President Donald Trump and giving thumbs up while a wad of cash appeared to spill out of his suit’s breast pocket.
Long was seen on camera, with stacks of what looked like US currency sticking up from is pocket, reacting with a fist-pumping thumbs up as Trump described his agenda as “relentlessly pro-American.” Such an ostentatious display of capitalism did not go unnoticed.

Rep. Long once again sported an over-the-top tie last night with the intent of procuring a Trump autograph and auctioning it off.
So, after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opted to throw her tantrum  Long saw an opportunity to turn it into a net positive and suggested she auction off the speech for charity, as well:

I went up to @SpeakerPelosi as she was showing off her ripped up speech to the gallery and I said you should auction that off for charity. She said no I’m keeping it for prosperity. I said no auction it for charity. That’s what I’m doing w/the tie @realDonaldTrump signed tonight

(Presumably, she meant — or said — “posterity”. Although, in this context, “prosperity” might work, as well — at least insofar as the would-be charitable recipient is concerned.)

Long pointed out that he’d previously raised $15,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital via his tie auction but Nancy wasn’t having it.

I went up to @SpeakerPelosi as she was showing off her ripped up speech to the gallery and I said you should auction that off for charity. She said no I’m keeping it for prosperity. I said no auction it for charity. That’s what I’m doing w/the tie @realDonaldTrump signed tonight

(Presumably, she meant — or said — “posterity”. Although, in this context, “prosperity” might work, as well — at least insofar as the would-be charitable recipient is concerned.)
Long pointed out that he’d previously raised $15,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital via his tie auction but Nancy wasn’t having it.

It was a @StJudeResearch tie just like the one he signed for me last year. @naaauctioneers auctioned that one off and it brought $15,000 for @StJude. That ripped up speech would bring a lot of money for a worthy charity. Encourage Nancy to it for a good cause.

 Following his attempt, Sean Hannity mentioned on his FNC show that he’d pay $25,000 for it, which Long pointed to as ample incentive for Pelosi to take him up on his suggestion.

 As of this morning, Long was still encouraging Pelosi to take the charitable route. It does not appear the Speaker has taken him up on the suggestion (or even acknowledged it), however.

 That’s poor form, Madame Speaker. Think of the children.
