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Stone Head Juror Who ‘Broke Silence’ to Defend Prosecutors Is Far-Left Activist Who Tweeted About the Case

The jury foreman on the Roger Stone trial came forward on social media Wednesday to defend the four prosecutors who withdrew from the case after the Department of Justice overruled their excessive sentencing recommendation.

A Facebook post written by Tomeka Hart, the senior program officer for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, was picked up by multiple news outlets. But the reports left out some highly pertinent details about her background—namely that Hart is a hyperpartisan Democratic Party activist who is rabidly anti-Trump and a Russia-collusion truther.

The head juror in Roger Stone’s trial is very active on Twitter, and surprisingly enough, didn’t think to scrub all of her eyebrow-raising tweets after she went public.
In January 2019, she retweeted a post about Stone’s arrest:
And she commented last year on the “indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions” of people in President Trump’s “inner circle” after Stone had been indicted.

Right-wing journalist Mike Cernovich first went digging into Hart’s highly partisan background after she came forward with her “concerns.”

A lot of conservatives were wondering Tuesday night how such an incredibly biased, anti-Trump individual got on the jury of this politically charged chase. If she had answered her juror questionnaire honestly, she likely would have been dismissed from jury duty.

More things are coming to light about other jurors as well.
The jury was packed with ringers; easy mistrial.