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‘Muslims for Peace’ removes former Democrat N.Y. assemblyman for challenging Rep. Tlaib on anti-Semitism

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:50 AM PT — Thursday, February 13, 2020
A former New York assemblyman was forcibly removed from an Islamic event for asking congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) about an anti-Semitic tweet.
According to reports Wednesday, Democrat Dov Hikind was kicked-out of the ‘Muslims for Peace‘ event at Rutgers University earlier this week. He was removed after demanding that Rep. Tlaib apologize for what he called “blood libel” against the Jewish community.

Last month, Tlaib retweeted a false report alleging Israelis kidnapped and killed a seven-year-old Palestinian boy. The statement sparked outrage among the Jewish community.
“And we came out here to voice our outrage that Rashida Tlaib is permitted to speak in a university,” stated protester Karen Licktbruam. “She is a known anti-Semite, she’s a Jew hater.”
Hikind warned that Tlaib’s anti-Semitism may encourage dangerous sentiments in the Islamic community going forward.