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When will a parent nail Creepy Joe in the man-sack?!

Over the weekend we were treated to yet another video of that septuagenarian perv Joe Biden nuzzling a little girl while her father held her in his arms.  Is there not a single father – or mother for that matter – who cares enough about their young child to step up and nail pervy Joe in the man-sack?

What is wrong with these people?

Maybe it’s me.  I don’t know.  But if Joe was stroking and nuzzling my kid, he’d be spending the evening on his campaign bus with a bag of ice on his man-sack wishing his wife was an actual doctor.

You don’t nuzzle, stroke, or fondle children. I can’t believe I have to say that!

And more importantly, no self-respecting parent should stand there smiling like a Homecoming Queen getting crowned while a perv like Joe Biden is nuzzling, stroking or fondling your child.

Someone has to step up and stop him.

And believe me, nothing would do the trick faster than a well-placed fist or knee in the man-sack.

Pervy Joe can’t be trusted to police himself.

Joe was all “I get it.  I get it” when he made that BS mea culpa video back in April.

But he doesn’t get it.

And clearly he is never going to change on his own.

So someone, please step up and make him change.

It’s time moms and dads who insist on taking their little girls with them to a Biden campaign event either A) come equipped with a cattle prod or B) have the courage to nail that dirty old perv right where it counts.

Or, and I’m just spit-balling here, maybe leave your little girls at home and spare them the trauma of being mauled by this kid-touching sack of flesh.

Joe isn’t going to stop unless somebody has the balls 😬 to stop him.

And nothing stops a perv better than a targeted strike directed at his man-sack.