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The Media Fan-Girling over Schiff is embarrassing

Move over Avenatti, the news media has a new crush.

I’m not watching a nano-second of the Adam Schiff Impeachment Porn.  Not one second of it.  I won’t even watch any of the clips posted on Twitter.  Even the thought of having to sit and endure Adam Schiff’s story hour (after hour after hour) leaves me nauseous.

If we subjected illegals in detention centers to this endless bull-schiff, AOC would be tweeting in outrage about torture and concentration camps.

The American news media, however, feels differently.  Those so-called Guardians of Truth, Justice and Stuff are fan-girling so hard over Adam Schiff’s “dazzling” marathon before the Senate, they sound like suburban housewives on a girl’s night out gushing over Brad Pitt while drinking Chardonnay.

The whole “get-a-roominess” of their fan-girling and orgasming is so over-the-top, one might confuse it for satire.

See what I mean?

I can just picture Jennifer Rubin tweeting that out then sitting back to enjoy a post-coital cigarette.

I saw these fan-girling tweets and thought, “Is this parody? They can’t possibly be serious.”

But they were serious.

On his show last night, Tucker Carlson featured a painfully embarrassing montage of cable news personalities’ fan-girling over Adam Schiff.  And hearing them speak these words is even more agonizing than reading their tweets:

What sane human being would ever use an adjective like “dazzling” to describe a prat like Adam Schiff?

I haven’t heard anything that stupid since an MSNBC bimbo called Michael Avenatti “chicken soup for the soul.”

These idiots never learn.

The harder they push, the more we tune them out.

And every time they indulge in orgasmic fan-girling over one of these Resistance😄 heroes, it backfires on them.

From Avenatti to Omarosa to Anthony Scaramucci — we’ve watched their slobbering fan-girling over every fly-by-night grifter who feeds their insatiable desire for Resistance😁 porn, and we’re not fooled by it anymore.

We know what it’s about.

We know what they’re trying to do.

Americans by and large already view our news media with distrust and contempt.

And this embarrassing attempt to get America to fall in love with a loathsome little git like Adam Schiff is only going to make us distrust them even more.
