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Soleimani is dead and the Appeasers have a sadz

I have a holiday head cold and felt like crap yesterday.  So imagine my utter surprise when I went onto Twitter yesterday evening and learned that the US turned that evil QUDs General Qassem Soleimani into pink mist.

But I shouldn’t have been surprised.

President Trump made it crystal clear on New Year’s Eve that the Iranian-backed attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad would not go unanswered.

Unlike eight years of Obama when we got tough words followed by groveling appeasement, President Trump wasn’t bluffing.

Qassem Soleimani, who just days earlier moved around Iraq with the greatest of ease, was hit on his way out of town.

In the streets of Baghdad, Iraqis celebrated.

Even the Iranian people were thrilled:

And how are the America hating appeasers taking the news?

Well, about as badly as you’d expect.

Let me give you one visual that sums it all up for you:

Of course they’re upset.  But not because Soleimani was vaporized.

They’re upset because Obama’s policy of appeasement just went up in a puff of pink mist.

Mike Doran, one of the Middle East experts I follow on Twitter, has a piece in today’s New York Times titled “Trump’s Ground Game Against Iran,” in which he writes:

In Washington, the decision to kill Mr. Suleimani represents the final demise of Mr. Obama’s Middle East strategy, which sought to realign American interests with those of Iran. Mr. Obama’s search for a modus vivendi with Tehran never comported with the reality of the Islamic Republic’s fundamental character and regional ambitions. President Trump, by contrast, realized that Tehran’s goal was to replace America as the key player in the Middle East.

I encourage you to read Doran’s entire piece – especially if Qassem Soleimani is unknown to you.  He shouldn’t be unknown.  His tentacles reached far and wide.  And hundreds of Americans were killed because of this creature.

But the realities aren’t getting in the way of the appeasers on the Left.  And they certainly aren’t getting in the way of the Trump Deranged lunatics of the Resistance😂.

Reading through the tweets from these people was like a trip through the looking glass.

And it wasn’t just raging nobodies that were tweeting out bilge.

It was also members of Congress.

Remember what Senator Murphy (D-Iran) tweeted out when Soleimani’s people attacked our embassy in Baghdad?

Well, he was wrong.  America wasn’t reduced to huddling in safe rooms hoping the bad guys go away.

Instead, President Trump ordered a swift response to this act of war against the United States.

And how did Chris Murphy (D-Iran) respond when the so-called “impotent” Trump sent Soleimani to hell?

So I guess he was okay with an impotent Commander-in-Chief who did nothing while Americans huddled in safe rooms hoping the bad guys go away after all.

Of course the jihadis’ favorite Congresswoman wasn’t too happy about it either.

Nancy Pelosi is furious that Congress was left out of the loop.

Of course you were left out of the loop.  The Democrats leak like an incontinent octogenarian. Why would the US want Iran to know in advance that we planned to vaporize that pile of garbage Soleimani?

Then there were the Obama Iran Deal alumni.  Poor Ben Rhodes probably needs to be put on suicide watch, the guy is so inconsolable.

Just a few days ago, these chattering idiots were giggling into their hands while hoping the attack on our Embassy in Baghdad would become President Trump’s Benghazi.  They were eager to see Americans die so they could mock the President for doing nothing.

And they really thought President Trump would do nothing.

Including the Washington Post’s putative “conservative” columnist Jennifer Rubin who, just hours before Qassem Soleimani became a smoking memory, responded to a State Department tweet with this:

And even after making an utter fool of herself, Rubin wouldn’t stop kvetching.

Oh, you mean the “interagency” that actively defied President Trump’s foreign policy, leaked to the press and tried to undermine the Commander-in-Chief in the past?  That “interagency?”

See how little I care if they were left out of the loop.

These people are idiots.

But the absolute worst garbage response to the United States taking out someone who has been waging war on us for years?

Naturally, that came from Hollywood.

Rose wouldn’t last ten minutes on the streets of Tehran.  And she certainly wouldn’t be able to tweet out this kind of bilge.
I was saying to my brother this morning that all the over-the-top fearmongering and histrionics we’re seeing today reminds me of the 1980s.
I’m old enough to remember how the same Leftist, anti-American appeasers reacted to President Ronald Reagan.
There was the same pearl-clutching “He’s going to start World War Three!!!!” hysterics.
They groveled to the Soviet Union and apologized for Reagan the same way they’re now groveling to the mullahs and apologizing for Trump.
There’s nothing new under the sun.
Or, in the immortal words of Battlestar Galactica, “All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.”
The anti-American Left never changes.  They hate this country.  They will never stand up for this country.  And they try to disguise their loathing of us by pretending it is Trump alone they hate.
Truth is, we don’t need “Russia!” to fracture us.  Why would we when we have these America hating Leftists happily willing to fracture us without any foreign assistance?