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How to Lose 2020: Leftists Plan Protests Across America Against Killing of Soleimani

Article by Nick Arama in "RedState":

What’s the best way to endear yourself with American voters?

Well, it’s probably not protesting the killing of a terrorist who attacked an American embassy, has killed hundreds of Americans and was plotting another attack according to the President and other administration officials.

Good luck, Democrats and leftists taking this tack, because it’s not going to end well for you. Just one more shining example for Americans as to why they should never let you back in power. And what a way to give aid and comfort to the enemy.

From The Hill:
More than 70 protests across the country are planned for Saturday to condemn the Pentagon’s killing of Iran’s top general Qassem Soleimani and the decision to send thousands of more troops to the Middle East.
The protests are being organized by Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), a U.S.-based anti-war coalition, in cooperation with more than a dozen other anti-war groups. Protesters are expected to demonstrate outside the White House, in Times Square, at the Trump Tower in Chicago and at the Brandenberg Gate in Berlin, among other locations.
“The targeted assassination and murder of a central leader of Iran is designed to initiate a new war,” ANSWER said on its website. “Unless the people of the United States rise up and stop it, this war will engulf the whole region and could quickly turn into a global conflict of unpredictable scope and potentially the gravest consequences.”

These are the people who have had no objection to all the terrorist attacks and actions Iran has taken against us since 1979. They only object to our response. Not just because “Orange Man Bad” but because America bad and it’s always bad to those on the far left.

There has been no indication that there is going to be any war. Iran knows that it has a lot to lose if it takes us head-on. President Donald Trump has said he believes taking Soleimani out was actually helping to prevent a war, he’s not looking to have a war with Iran. But he’s also not letting them attack us.

As Sen. Lindsey Graham threatened, if they retaliate, we’re going to start taking out targets, and not just in Iraq, but in Iran. And they will be targets they cannot afford to lose.

The regular Iranians and Iraqis are dancing in the streets, celebrating and thanking Trump for taking out their oppressor who has killed thousands of them.

Our leftists and the terrorist supporters are the only people not happy he’s gone.

The Communist Party USA is mobilizing across the country to protest Trump’s attempts to wage another imperialist war for profit!
