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President Trump is gearing up for a ‘Keep America Great’ campaign rally in Wildwood, N.J.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:52 AM PT — Tuesday, January 28, 2020
President Trump is gearing up for the latest stop in his 2020 reelection campaign. He is traveling to Wildwood, New Jersey, where he will speak to a crowd of supporters at a ‘Keep America Great’ rally Tuesday night.
The president will be speaking at the Wildwoods Convention Center, which is located in the same district of congressman Jeff Van Drew. The lawmaker switched parties, becoming a Republican, amid the ongoing impeachment push. He has sided with the president over Democrats.
Rep. Van Drew met with the president at the White House shortly after making the decision to switch parties. “I don’t want anybody to ever tell me that there isn’t American exceptionalism,” he stated. “I don’t want anybody to ever think this is the same as every other country in the world, because it is not.”
President Trump is expected to repay the favor and will likely rev up his base to vote for Van Drew ahead of the state’s primaries. The president will also likely discuss the ongoing impeachment proceedings as his defense team continues its arguments.
President Trump’s visit to the New Jersey town will mark the first-ever appearance by a sitting U.S. president. Many of his supporters have been camped out for over 24-hours ahead of the event.
 One America News will provide full coverage of the president’s “Keep America Great” rally, without interruption, starting at 7 p.m. EST / 4 p.m. PST.