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Keep America Great!

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In March 2018, 58% of registered unemployed persons were born outside Sweden, even though the group's share of the population is only 23%. 

In 2018, the unemployment rate for foreign-born Swedes was 15.4%,  while unemployment for Swedes born in Sweden was 3.8%.


It takes up to four years for an immigrant to become employed.

Sweden is facing huge budgetary issues because they rely on taxes to pay for the welfare state. With increasing welsfare and decreasing tax base what might that outcome be?

Remember folks, Berne Sanders says he wants the Nordic Model to be implemented in America.

Democrats want open borders and no restrictions on immigration.

What does millions of uneducated, unskilled illegals offer a country?

Einstein  said it best, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"

History tells us uncontrolled immigration is detrimental to a society.

America must get informed and stay vigilant.

Trump/Pence 2020 Keep America Great!