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Disinformation Barbie warns about Disinformation

Disinformation has been the only kind of information Elizabeth Warren has given since she first jotted “Native American” on an application.

Today, the visibly pregnant Cherokee who sent her children to public school is now pledging to fight disinformation.

And needless to say, I’m just a little bit confused.

After what she pulled at the last debate, if Bernie reads that, he’s going to have another coronary.

I had to check to make sure this was Disinformation Barbie’s verified Twitter account because, well, is she kidding with this?!

Finally, I understand why people use this GIF from Pulp Fiction.

It was made for just such an occasion.

Has Elizabeth Warren ever met Elizabeth Warren?

I’m … well, to be honest with you, I’m speechless.

After a lifetime of spreading disinformation,
it seems a tad late for Liz to come out against it.

“Sure, I wouldn’t be where I am today without peddling in disinformation. But now, I urge every other candidate to not do it! Oh, and I won’t either. Promise. Pinky Swear.”

Honestly, just how brazen is it for this woman, of all people, to sanctimoniously lecture anyone about disinformation?

That’s like Hillary Clinton lecturing us on the proper handling of classified records.

Or like Hillary demanding that no politician set up a foundation in order to sell access.

Disinformation has been the only kind of information Elizabeth Warren has given since she first jotted “Native American” on an application.

Even as I write this, I am still shaking my head in utter amazement at this woman’s lack of self-awareness.

You should read through the replies to that thread. Hoo boy, is she getting hammered.