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The Creepy Joe Biden ‘Hairy Legs’ Pool Tale Is so Much More Disturbing When You Add Visuals

Nick Arama wrote about the incredibly bizarre June 2017 video that recently resurfaced of then-Vice President Joe Biden telling a strange story about his lifeguard days and how kids at a Delaware pool used to rub his “hairy legs”, which would “turn blonde in the sun.”

To recap, here’s the clip that made the rounds on social media over the weekend. Note towards the end how Biden states he “learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I loved kids jumping on my lap”:

As Fox News noted , that portion of the speech had little to nothing to do with the full speech he gave at the time, which made the inclusion of the information all the more strange:
While there was nothing nefarious about the tale, Biden’s opponents are seizing on it as yet another awkward and bizarre moment from a Biden speech, which he gave in June 2017. The reveals that the story otherwise had little to do with what Biden had been talking about, as it was immediately preceded by praise for Herman Holloway, the first black state senator in Delaware’s history who was elected in 1964. Biden addressed Holloway’s son, Herman Jr., who was in attendance.
As you might expect, memes immediately began to make the rounds. Perhaps the most disturbing of them all was a video tweeted out by Twitter user Sven Stoffels that used Biden’s words and gave animated visuals of them:

There’s just no other way to describe the story Biden gave as anything other than downright creepy and disturbing. I can’t imagine another candidate for office – Republican or Democrat – talking about kids that way and being able to skate by without so much as an explainer or clarifying statement or … something.

But this is Joe Biden we’re talking about here, and he’s gotten away with just as unacceptable as telling stories about kids at the pool, how he learned about them when they sat on his lap, and how they sometimes felt his hairy legs when he was on lifeguard duty.

In other words, move along. Nothing to see here.