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Democrats Signal Defeat on Impeachment

After a merciful week of good food and very little news on the impeachment front, the Sunday shows rushed to make us all wish for the sweet meteor of death’s arrival again.

One new report was shared on ABC News and showed the Democrats are beginning to signal defeat on impeachment.

Worse, the report also quoted Democrats as saying they are ready to “get it over (with) and move on.” Democrats in swing districts can feel their electability slipping away as the process has become more and more blatantly political. They want this done and over with, preferably with a fast acquittal in the Senate. If the Democrats as a whole thought they were making political hay out of impeachment, the last thing they’d want to do is rush it to its conclusion. Yet, that’s exactly what’s happening.

After initially showing a desire to draw it out, Adam Schiff closed up shop after just eight public witnesses. He then kicked it over to the Judiciary Committee to debate whether to draw up articles of impeachment. Pro-tip: if you are counting on Jerry Nadler to save this process, just quit now.

This entire impeachment fiasco has once again been a lesson in Twitter not being real life. People can argue inside baseball all they want. In the end, most Americans do not want to remove a duly elected President over what seems to be standard fare, even if you think it’s “wrong” (as so many virtue-signaling righties on social media let us know hourly). The country wasn’t asleep when Obama illegally released five terrorists for what was clearly a political stunt, or when he sold the Middle East to Iran to help his “legacy.” Republicans didn’t impeach him for it.

Democrats are frustrated but they should have seen this coming. The idea that screaming “Watergate!” over and over was a recipe for success was always a pipe dream. Chuck Todd getting emotional doesn’t move public opinion. The best thing they can do now is wrap this up and take their loss. Hopefully, the far left in their party doesn’t let them.