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Maybe Segregation Has A Value

Opinions of the author/contributor do not necessarily reflect ³

On July 26, Obama signed an executive order titled the “African American Education Initiative.” The order essentially gives a green light for black students to misbehave in public schools. 

In two places, Obama’s executive order calls on schools to reduce the number disciplinary actions taken against blacks students. 

The order specifically calls on schools to “not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.”

Democrats believe that if Blacks are punished for bad behavior it is racist. Hmmmm.... 

Naturally Democrats everywhere implement Obama's philosphy:

A beautiful Rich White Liberal from Virginia,lost his 19 year old daughter to a gang of teenage criminals in NYC.

NYC leadership say that systemic racism caused this, after all these poor criminals have experienced years of neglect and abuse from Whites.

So what does the De Blasio Administration do, orders police to leave these poor children alone.

Hence, a Rich White Liberal who supports this kind of thinking loses his daughter.

Karma has a tendancy to be cruel, but amusing at the same time.

Now a Democrat politician is demanding schools cease punishing young Blacks in school for acting out because records show too many Blacks are being punished.

Wonder how that will play out?

My late wife and I made sure our kids understood in school they were there to learn, if they got in trouble they need not worry about school punishment because at home it would be much worse.

If fact my wife was always clearer than I she used to explain to them "she'd beat the Black off them", God I miss her!

Anyway, I digress, we tried to instll in our children that you are measured by your actions and consequently we expected our children to show they knew better.

I am proud to say my Daughter was perfect, now my boys, well they too often needed some further explanation, but fortunately they never really got in serious trouble. Typical guy stuff until High School and that was it.

Today all of my children are well educated, married in stable normal relationships with the most beautiful Grandchildren I have ever seen.

I attribute all of that to the leadership of my late wife with me being the her enforcer.

My point is simple, if you raise your children right, teach them morals and responsibilities, most often they will turn out alright.

So, let's propose this, segregate schools, let's watch the results after a year, if it turns out that racism is actually why so many Black youth end up in trouble so be it. But......

I am tired of watching these race pimps demand everything thing a young Black man does was caused by racism, if you raise and animal you get an animal.

It is why so many people have perceptions all Blacks are violent out of control animals.