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The Creepy Deity of the Climate Cult

The Climate Cult has their deity. Too bad she looks like the bastard off-shoot of Big Brother and Wednesday Addams.

A mural of the Climate Cult’s creepy deity Greta Thunberg is being created on the side of a building in the feces, garbage and drug needle capital of the world.

Now, how ironic is that?

A gigantic seven-story monstrosity of a glowering Greta staring down at the cesspool below her is fraught with meaning, don’t you think?

When I first saw photos of this homage to the creepy deity of the Climate Cult, the first thing I thought was “Good grief.  She looks like the bastard off-shoot of Big Brother and Wednesday Addams.”

The Creepy Deity of the Climate Cult
As far as religious iconography goes, getting your face on the side of a building in ScatFrancisco isn’t particularly appealing.  But maybe that’s only the first step for the Climate Cult’s creepy deity. Perhaps the stained glass windows and prayer candles are next.

I’ve said before that I am of a mind that all of us humans, created as we are in the image of God, have a natural longing for the divine.  It is in our DNA to find a connection to a power greater than ourselves.  Even those who outright reject traditional religious faith are not immune to this longing.

We all need to believe in something.

The Greenies aren’t a fact-based, scientific movement.  This is a religion.  Faith, not fact, is what drives the Climate Change believers.

It’s why, as I said before, the Greens treat those who reject their dogma as heretics and deniers.  These heretics must be driven from their jobs, shunned by society and even in some cases prosecuted for promoting Climate Change Denial.

The Green religion had everything except for a deity.

Then along comes Greta Thunberg with her scolding, weepy, carefully-scripted sermons of doom and apocalypse.

Is it any wonder that they would make her their creepy deity?

The Greens cannot abide any blasphemy against her.  If you so much as criticize or, heaven forbid, mock her, the faithful followers of the creepy deity become apoplectic with rage.

“How dare you!!” They bellow — quoting the words of their creepy little god Greta.

Watching this kind of slobbering devotion for a creepy deity coming from a group of people who sincerely think they “believe” in science is bizarre to say the least.

On the one hand, it’s a more than a little comical.

On the other, it is tremendously sad and pathetic.

False prophets aren’t new.  There’ve been scads of them over the millennia.  So it doesn’t surprise me that Greta the creepy deity has amassed a worldwide following of faithful.
But like the false prophets before her, she will ultimately disappoint her devoted flock.

And the collective meltdown that results just might raise the earth’s temperature to apocalyptic levels.