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Nikki Haley, President Trump and MAGA Convenient Friction

You might have noticed yesterday how former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N, Nikki Haley, has grabbed multiple headlines.  Apparently within her new book, the former South Carolina republican – who removed historic monuments and then moved her permanent residence to New York, has outlined Rex Tillerson and John Kelly as stealth insiders working to undermine President Trump and attempting to bring Haley into their clique.

This move is so typically Nikki Haley it would almost have been predictable right?

Well, it was.

In 2018 CTH foretold and forewarned of exactly what Nikki Haley would do.  She is as predictable as the sunrise.  [SEE HERE]  Everything about Nikki Haley is opportunistic, political and false.  Nikki Haley is the female version of Mitt Romney.
CTH Archives […]  Due to the increasing success of the MAGA or Trump Republican apparatus, Haley will need to carefully position herself as a stealth Decepticon and not upset the vulgarian hordes; ie. the new republican party base voter.
As a smart and tactical politician Haley will invest heavily in the optics of supporting the MAGA movement; and embrace President Trump to avoid any conflict. (more)
I’m not going to write about it again.  CTH forecast exactly what would happen.

Nikki Haley relies on people with short memories.  She is a liar, a manipulator, and a purely political animal.   She wants to be president.  She will manipulate anyone and everyone in the process in order to achieve her career goals.

Remember in January 2016 when Nikki Haley gave the State of the Union rebuttal so she could attack the outside candidacy of Donald Trump?   A month later she endorsed Marco Rubio for president.  Or maybe you remember in June 2016 when Nikki Haley blamed Trump supporters for causing violence in San Jose?

Nikki Haley has one priority, Nikki Haley.  Everything else is a transaction.

She claimed South Carolina as her home in order to advance her political career.  Haley would never have become Governor without the endorsement of Sarah Palin and the help of the Tea Party; months later Haley openly rebuked, dismissed and disparaged Ms. Palin.

Haley enamored herself with the uniparty political ruling class, and after the politically correct and opportunistic response to the Emmanuel Church shooting, including the removal of all confederate flags, civil war monuments and historic South Carolina history….. she bailed out of South Carolina permanently and moved to New York.

Haley is for Haley, and she will do anything, sell-out anyone, and hitch her wagon to any helpful enterprise (ie. MAGA) to attain her political ambitions.  In 2016 she thought Marco Rubio was her best play; then she moved to join the Trump administration.  Now she has her eyes on the oval office.

She is the worst form of politician.

If Nikki Haley can ride a coup into the White House….

Don’t take my word for it, ask Rex Tillerson and John Kelly.