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Julie Kelly for the shampeachment win

Julie Kelly is right: These swamp-dwellers are Milton from “Office Space” obsessing over their own Swingline stapler.

Julie Kelly is one of my favorite columnists.  She’s been absolutely relentless in her coverage of FISAGate, RussiaGate, Adam Schiff’s endless ethical problems – not to mention her takedowns of the Well-I-Never-Trumpers.  Plus, her blistering columns on James Comey are *chef’s kiss* perfect.

On top of that Julie is flat-out hilarious.  She wields analogies better than I do.

So I’m not at all surprised that it’s Julie Kelly who found the perfect movie analogy to describe the D.C. Swamp in her latest column at American Greatness.

If the Trump era is the Beltway’s version of “Office Space,” the president is Peter Gibbons—dismantling his cubicle, refusing to submit his TPS reports, and parking in the boss’s primo spot. Trump’s defiance earns plaudits from Beltways outsiders—the two Bobs, in this scenario—who are set to promote him for his insubordination.

Folks like Yovanovitch, meanwhile, are a collective Milton, sitting in the basement while clutching the Swingline stapler they insist belongs to them and threatening to burn the place down if they don’t get their way.

Okay, that deserves a Dianny Image:

Julie Kelly for the win
As always, Julie Kelly is spot-on.

These idiots are willing to utterly destroy every Federal institution, not to mention America’s standing in the world, just to undermine Trump and get their way.

It’s perverse, really.

They do have a “Higher Loyalty.”  Only, it’s to themselves.

More from Julie:

We are to believe that crying EPA employees, out-of-the-loop ambassadors, holier-than-thou law enforcement chiefs, and jobless assistant deputy undersecretaries for blah-blah affairs are the victims of a rogue president who must be removed from office for hurting their feelings and challenging their authority.

In other words, it is their Swingline stapler.

Chumps in Congress and in the White House—not to mention the folks paying for it all—are subservient to their demands. And in the end, if they don’t get their way, they’ll torch the place. What we are watching now is the slow burn of our democracy, not at the hands of Donald Trump, but by the Left and its eager servants in the swamp. If only it was as amusing, and fictional, as “Office Space.”

Read her entire column HERE.

You can see the full list of Julie Kelly columns at American Greatness HERE.

Oh, and give her a follow on Twitter at @julie_kelly2.


In honor of his testimony today, here’s Leaker Alex too.