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As We Prepare For Thanksgiving

I had this poster made to hang in the meeting room at my church where we meet twice a month in our Young Men At Risk mentoring program.

I use it to point out to the young men who come here to realize Racism only affects those who let it.

I relate a story to each of them about my father, who was a sharecropper with a 6th grade education, married to a woman with a college degree, raised 5 children who all graduated college and have good jobs, are raising families who honor God, Family and Country and who left to his family a 1,000 acre operating farm debt free.

He and his wife were married for over fifty years and never strayed from each other or their beliefs.

They taught all five of their children to be responsible for their own actions and to never let racism affect them.

I point out to these young men that poster and ask them if they believe racism is affecting their lives and then I ask them to explain how.

The answers at time are both comical and heart breaking.

Liberals have made Racism and Racist words of no meaning. I make sure each of these young men hear my story and some of the other Black men in the group who think being a victim is an excuse to justify failure.

We try to turn these young men away from Liberalism, Democrats and failure, which is the formula for heartbreak.

I sat in the rain this morning talking with my late wife and told her about her beautiful granddaughter who told me last night she missed "Grams" but knew someday she would get to be hugged by her again.

See, if you teach your children that traditions, morality and faith will lead you, you always get the right results!

Everyone have a great weekend and enjoy your families as we all prepare for Thanksgiving next week!