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Wait, Bill is transgender?

For some inexplicable reason, Hillary Clinton told the nattering hens on The View that her decision to stay with Bill Clinton was comparable to parents struggling with their child being transgender.

Um. What?

Something tells me Hillary did really poorly on the Analogies section of the SATs.

Unless she’s saying Bill is transgender. Or being a philandering horn-dog is just like being transgender.

Or … Okay, I’m out.

From the Washington Examiner

“Sometimes when your child has an issue — I had a friend a few years ago who called up and said ‘I don’t know who to talk to about this, but my little girl wants to be a boy. What do I do?’ And, you know, several of us kind of — we didn’t know what to do, we never had a friend who’d faced that before. Several of us kind of read everything and talked to people and gave her advice and it was really gutsy for her to say okay, ‘I’m going to respect the feelings of my child as hard as it is for me to understand this.’ So, I think when the question was asked, personally, everybody faces a moment of decision, and you have to reach deep down inside and decide what’s right for you to do and hopefully it’s reached with love and understanding.”

Sure, Jan.

Can you imagine this conversation?

“Oh, Hillary. I don’t know what to do. My son decided he’s transgender. He’s only six years old! Should I indulge him?  I’m at my wit’s end!”

“I know how you feel. I went through the same thing when Bill was banging all those other women.”

Listen, Hillary didn’t stay with Bill after reaching deep down inside with “love and understanding.”

If Bill Clinton wasn’t a politician with an upward trajectory, Hillary would have jettisoned him in no time flat.

It’s unbelievably cynical that now Hillary is casting herself in the role of loving, understanding wife who prayerfully sought guidance on whether or not to dump her cheating husband.  Especially when you consider Hillary’s active participation in smearing and silencing Bill’s “bimbos.”

But then again, Hillary has a track record for rewriting history.

Hillary stayed yoked to Bill for one reason and one reason only – to advance her own political prospects.  And it worked, didn’t it?

She won a Senate seat in a state in which she didn’t live (until she moved there to run). She was a serious contender for President just seven years later.  She was selected Secretary of State despite her lack of foreign policy experience (and making a speech in China saying “Women’s rights are human rights” doesn’t count).  Then she got a second bite at the Presidential apple thanks to a hefty assist (read “rigging”) from the DNC.

None of that — none of that — would have happened if Hillary divorced Bill back when he was the Arkansas Alley Cat.

She didn’t stay out of love.

And it wasn’t about prayer, guidance and understanding.

It was calculated and completely self-serving.

Wait a sec.


Now that I think about it,  that “calculated and self-serving” sounds like the motivations behind a lot of parents who claim their child is transgender.

Could it be that Hillary’s comparison is more spot-on than she even she realizes?