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In Revolt Against What They Believe to be a Political Attack, Police Officers in Minnesota are Banding Together to Support Trump

Police officers are often present at protests. But have you ever heard of them doing the protesting?

Law enforcement officers who endorse the President are making a move. And it’s a bit of a rallying one, but in good taste.

The day after Trump announced an upcoming Minneapolis rally, the department passed down a spankin’ new edict: You can’t wear your uniforms to political events.

John Elder, a police spokesman, to USA Today that the rule is in place to prevent confusion:
“The uniform gets translated back to the average person as someone being from the police department. It’s very confusing for people when they see someone in uniform to understand the difference between the city and the [police union].”
The head of the local union was unimpressed. In his view, the ban was simply a way for Democrats in charge to prevent a show of boys(and girls)-in-blue GOP support.

A show, incidentally, the President would probably be :
Trump often surrounds himself with men and women in uniform, both in the White House and on the campaign trail. He has has long painted himself as a pro-law enforcement president, ranging from his sharp criticism of NFL player protests during the national anthem over police brutality to the Department of Justice’s slowed pace of civil rights investigations into local police departments.
In February at the Major County Sheriffs and the Major Cities Chiefs Association Joint Conference, he renewed his commitment to law enforcement, vowing to make “officer safety a top priority.”
“In my administration, we understand that reducing crime begins with respecting law enforcement. We will not tolerate smears, or slanders or assaults on those who wear the badge and police our streets,” he said.
Right. So what’s a policing Trump fan to do?

Well, the answer is a colorful one.

As indicated by Lt. Bob Kroll, president of the Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis, The Donald will be bolstered by lotsa law enforcement dudes and dudettes sporting red “Cops for Trump” shirts.

The Commander-in-Chief is psyched about the impending Red Sea:

The group’s got quite the famous salesperson:

If only he’d tweet out a link to my Author page.

As I wait for that, stay tuned for the Minnesota rally: All those shirts you see will be folks who Protect and Serve stickin’ it — in their minds — to the Powers That Bemoan Beelzebub.

To many of his critics, he’s Satan. But to those who believe in Making America Great Again, he’s just the good ol’ President of the United States.