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How I Could Take Climate Change Serious.

Liberals are still parading Greta Thunberg around America demanding we do whatever it takes to make her future what she wants it to be.

Extinction Rebellion is protesting by blocking highways, Tubes, streets and such in defense of Climate Change action.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says we only have 12 years before we all die.

Children in schools are showing high levels of Climate Change anxiety.

So, We Must Do Something! Right?

But, until Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Denver, Austin, Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Washington DC, Falls Church, Richmond, Baltimore, and New York City commit to the following:
1.Outlaw all fossil fueled vehicles. 2. Cut all power generation from fossil fueled sources. 3. Cut water supply from sources powered by fossil fuel sources. 4. Required all businesses within city proper stop serving meat and vegetables supplied by sources which use fossil power. 5. Required all families within their city proper be restricted to one child and begin forced sterilizations.
6. Close all Airports.
7. Refuse to use any airplane not powered by Solar power.
8. Determine which of their children will be Post Aborted so that they only have 1 child.
9. Refuse to buy any product made from petroleum based sources.
10. Refuse to use any entertainment from anyone who refuses to honor 1-9.
Until as a minimum these 10 things are implemented immediately within the Liberal controlled cities I can not be too concerned about Climate Change.
After all how can I follow a leader and its movement if the leaders themselves won't show me they are serious?