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Barack endorses Prime Minister Blackface — Biden hardest hit

What’s a guy to do to get Barack’s endorsement?!

Poor Joe Biden.  He is desperate to get a word of love from his pal Barack.  And despite all Joe’s efforts to cozy up to his BFF, Obama just will not endorse him.  But he did  endorse Prime Minister Blackface of Canada.

Oh, ouch.

That must be a kick in the man-sack for poor Joe.

Barack will throw his support behind Prime Minister Blackface, but not his BFF Joe Biden?!

must have blood coming out of his eyes over this.

Didn’t Barry see that super special tweet on Best Friends Day?

Prime Minister Blackface didn’t send a super special tweet to Barack on Best Friends Day.

No, sir. He did not!

But Joe did!

Has Barack forgotten about all those shared moments they’ve had together – the walks on the beach, the cozy lunches in the White House?

I mean he must be aware that Joe is running right? It’s been in the news. And we all know that’s how Barack finds out about things — when he sees it in the news.

What’s Prime Minister Blackface have that Joe doesn’t have?!

I mean, what’s a guy to do to get Barack’s endorsement?!