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To those who ruined Greta Thunberg: How dare you

This child’s life has been destroyed.  And rather than show even a modicum of concern over how terrorized she is, the Left keeps pushing her and pushing her.

Hollywood, politicians, and the news media are all celebrating the psychological abuse heaped onto a Swedish autistic kid named Greta Thunberg.

In their desire to amass power by controlling every aspect of our lives, these heartless assholes have taken a thoroughly terrorized child and paraded her before us – daring us to disagree.

And in the process, they have completely ruined Greta Thunberg.

This child’s life has been destroyed.  And rather than show even a modicum of concern over how terrorized she is, the Left keeps pushing her and pushing her.

I’m sure Greta really does believe that in ten years we will experience mass extinction of the human race because there are countries in the world that are not socialist.

Greta Thunberg is so thoroughly programmed into the Climate Cult, the terror, anger and hopelessness she feels are very real to her.

This is child abuse.

And it certainly proves that the Left’s claim that they care about the children is a lie.

If they really cared about Greta Thunberg they would stop terrorizing her and using her as a human shield.

As I said the other day, the Institutional Left wants to ruin your children just as thoroughly as they’ve ruined Greta Thunberg.

They want your children just as terrified as she is.

They want your children to believe we are just years away from mass extinction. 

Do they truly care about the climate?


They want to destroy free markets, individual liberty and economic prosperity.

Because the freer you are, the less power they have.

In her “speech” at the UN, Greta Thunberg said, “We are at the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth.

How dare you!”

See what I mean?

How dare you care about economic growth and making money!

Greta has been so brainwashed, she really thinks economic growth is the fairy tale whereas the mass extinction of the human race in ten years is not.

The Climate Change con is all about stripping you of economic freedom and prosperity.

It’s a means to an end.

Why do you think they’re linking “Climate Change” to “Capitalism.”

Why do you think the preposterous “Green New Deal” is all about dismantling our free market economy in favor of collectivism?

And why do you think Greta’s handlers have her attacking free countries while completely ignoring China — the biggest polluter in the world?

Their objective has nothing to do with “saving” the Climate or “stopping” Climate Change.

Only Greta Thunberg doesn’t know that.

Thanks to the psychological abuse she’s endured, Greta truly does believe that her life is in imminent peril.

Who the hell does that to a child?!

Greta stands before the UN and reads a speech prepared for her by the bastards who are exploiting her, and the news media and politicians – not to mention the far-Left dummies  on social media – cheer and celebrate this child’s exploitation.

They think it’s great that this 16-year-old autistic kid is in blind terror for her life and the life of the planet. 

And they never once give a thought to what this kind of fearmongering is doing to her emotional and psychological well-being.

There is a silver lining, however.  And that’s what I call Operation Backfire.

The Greta Thunberg exploitation has gone too far.

Thanks to the media promoting the heck out of her unhinged, unrealistic diatribe before the UN, Americans can see for themselves that this is not a well child.

Greta is right about one thing; her life has been ruined.  But it’s been ruined by the people who have psychologically abused her in order to advance socialism.

Normal people are going to see those clips of her speech and the only thing they’ll feel is pity and disgust.

Pity that this young girl has been brainwashed, terrorized and exploited by adults who clearly don’t give a crap about her.

Parents who genuinely love their children will see what is happening to this child and they’ll be disgusted.

Greta’s handlers have crossed the Rubicon.  They’ve pushed this child too hard and too far.  And it is going to backfire on them.

It’s one thing to spoil a child into believing that her every demand must be met or else she’ll throw a tantrum and behave like a little Veruca Salt-like monster.

It’s another thing entirely to terrorize a child into believing her life depends on getting what she demands.

Normal, caring parents will reject that kind of psychological abuse.

And what becomes of Greta Thunberg when this exploitation backfires?  Do those promoting her even care?

No. They really don’t.

Greta is only a means to an end.  And that makes her expendable.


I saw that MJA from iotwreport.com shared this post. And reading through the comments, I saw Chalupa had written, “I call her Pimpi Long Squawking.” Naturally, I decided to add an image.