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Soviet-Style Democrats

Other than the people who hoped the CNN marathon Climate Change Townhall would provide ample material for Republican campaign ads, did anybody bother watching it?  All the clips I’ve seen have been from conservative media highlighting the soviet-style dictates every single one of the Democrats proposed.
There’s one thing you can say about Barack Obama.  He too hoped to “fundamentally transform” the Constitutional Republic known as the United States of America into some kind of soviet-style centralized all powerful State.  But the guy was a master at hiding his true intentions.
Sure, on occasion he would slip up and say the quiet parts out loud.  But overall, he was extra careful to disguise his soviet-style dictates under a veneer of lofty bromides and soaring rhetoric.
But these 2020 Democrats have stripped away that veneer completely.  They’re just coming right out and making grand pronouncements about all the things they’re going to ban and all the dictates they will force on the American people whether we want them or not.

I don’t know.  Maybe it’s because I’ve watched the HBO miniseries “Chernobyl” seven times in twelve days that I instantly envision life in the Soviet Union every time I hear one of these dictator wannabes.
It’s not an understatement to say the 2020 Democrat candidates have absolutely zero interest in expanding our freedoms.
When supposed serious candidates for President are making pronouncements about what kind of straw you are permitted to use or what kinds of food you should be allowed to eat, ideas like individual sovereignty and liberty aren’t even a blip on the radar.
Preserving and protecting “self-government” is not exactly high on their list.
It doesn’t make their lists at all.
I’ve said in the past that the Democrat Party’s success depended solely on never saying the quiet parts out loud.
But these modern-day apparatchiks of the Democrat Party have jettisoned this completely.
And thanks to CNN insisting on hosting a seven hour “Climate Change Townhall,” Americans got to hear those quiet parts shouted from the rooftops hour after hour.
Yesterday, Tom Elliott from Grabien compiled a Supercut video of the many soviet-style dictates these wannabe Stalins intend to impose on us whether we like it or not.
And these idiots actually think Trump is the dictator.
Not a single one of these soviet-style dictates will increase your freedom, expand our economy, put more money in your pocket, or improve your quality of life in any way.
Not one.
These candidates for “President” believe they are running to be Supreme Leader of an all-powerful, centralized State that will reach into every aspect of your life and dictate how you live — from the moment you are born (if you’re lucky) to the moment you die.
That isn’t freedom.
And it certainly isn’t the American ideal.
It is nothing but soviet-style, centralized control.
Any old how.
I thought I’d keep with the running theme of the last week and do up a few soviet-style propaganda posters featuring some of the 2020 dictators-in-waiting.

Soviet-style propaganda Pete Buttigieg

Soviet-style plans with Comrade Warren

soviet-style grandpa simpson

Soviet-style cop