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Oberst-Gruppenführer O’Reich

Democrat Presidential Candidate and aspiring Oberst-Gruppenführer Robert Francis O’Reich is very proud of his debate moment when he brazenly admitted that, “Hell, yes, we’re gonna take your AR-15.”

Jawohl, mein Oberst-Gruppenführer!

Now, to be fair, Herr O’Reich won’t be personally rounding up law-abiding citizens’ guns.

Not at all.

He will depend on armed Landespolizei to do it for him.

And if you dare to tell Oberst-Gruppenführer O’Reich “Kommen und nehmen Sie es!” he will wilt like a little Fräulein and accuse you of threatening him. 

Ach du liebe Zeit! What a pussy.

Fortunately for Oberst-Gruppenführer O’Reich, Tvitter has veys of silencing his enemies.

So while he is free to issue his threats against law-abiding Americans, we kleine Volken aren’t permitted to respond.

It was Thomas Jefferson who said “When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

Oberst-Gruppenführer O’Reich wants the latter.

What’s more, he is the living embodiment of the former.

An armed citizenry is a free citizenry.

And Herr O’Reich fears a free citizenry.

Even that silly tweet makes that crystal clear.

And while Kleine Fräulein O’Reich was breathlessly “Vell, I nevering!” over this tweet, his brownshirt followers on Twitter began threatening Cain and his family to the point where his wife and kids now have police protection.

This is the kind of man Robert Francis O’Reich is.

And this is exactly how he would act if he ever got anywhere near the levers of power.

The good news is Oberst-Gruppenführer O’Reich will never get near the levers of power.

The bad news is every other Democrat running agrees with him.