Here’s your smoking gun, Democrats. Enjoy!
Yet another self-inflicted wound from
the Democrats and their Media Handmaids.
the Democrats and their Media Handmaids.
Okay, I just read the transcript of the phone call between President Trump and the Ukraine President. And you should ignore the talking heads in the media who are telling you it’s a smoking gun.
It isn’t a smoking gun.
It isn’t even a sputtering fart.
The only way this phone call could be a smoking gun is if the gun looked like this:

Raheem Kassam has the transcript HERE. Don’t take my word for it. And, whatever you do, don’t take the word of any of those idiots on cable news. Read the transcript for yourself.
Compared to the letter Democrat Senators Leahy, Menendez and Durbin sent to Ukraine Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko back in 2018, President Trump’s call with President Zelensky last July is less than nothing.
Those guy actually threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine if Lutsenko did not cooperate with the Mueller Investigation. Trump didn’t say a single word about any quid-pro-quo. Not one word.
It’s always the case, isn’t it?
Democrats are forever accusing President Trump of what Democrats actually do.
But don’t expect Nancy Pelosi or any of the other idiots in the Democrat Party to pull back on the Impeachment throttle.
They can’t at this point.
And don’t expect the media to be honest about the contents of this phone call. They know they can claim anything they want and their ResistanceLOL viewers will simply take their word for it.
Calling this transcript a smoking gun is nothing more than polishing a turd.
Then again, cable news talking heads have a 3-year history of polishing turds.
They don’t have anything on Trump.
They never did.
But rather than simply accept reality, they’re doubling down.
As I said earlier, nothing short of removing Trump from office will ever satisfy these morons.
This is what happens when you take your cues from the Twitter ResistanceLOL.
But out here in the real world, this will be seen as yet another self-inflicted wound.
Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal has an excellent Twitter thread on this. You can read the entire thing HERE.
So, okay. It was a smoking gun.
Only it wasn’t aimed at President Trump.
Great job, Nancy!
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