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Debra Messing: Loyal Totalitarian Apparatchik

Debra Messing is the very thing she claims she’s fighting against.

If you could measure the level of Projection among the Left by using a Geiger counter, any time you got around a Hollywood celebrity, the clicking would be so rapid, you wouldn’t be able to tell where one click ends and another begins.
For all their claims that Donald Trump is a totalitarian and a fascist, these assholes are the real totalitarians.
Take television actress Debra Messing.
When it was revealed by the Hollywood Reporter that the Trump reelection campaign would be holding a fundraiser in Hollywood, Debra Messing and her comrade, I mean, costar Eric McCormack demanded to know who in Hollywood is attending so they can blacklist them.
Naturally, sane people were disgusted by this Soviet-style, totalitarian attempt to expose and punish those committing WrongThink.
But like every loyal totalitarian apparatchik, Debra Messing doubled down.

Ah, yes.  The standard obtuse response to demanding to know who Trump supporters are so you can make their lives a living hell.
It’s possible Debra Messing is just indescribably dumb.
But imagine being so oblivious that she thinks this is a good argument for exposing Trump donors in Hollywood so she can shame, blackball and destroy them.
Imagine being this obtuse.
“Golly. I’m in lock-step with my like-minded comrades and I’m not afraid to say so. Why do those evil monsters I seek to utterly destroy not want people like me knowing they donate to Trump?”
Simple answer? 

But Comrade Messing wasn’t done.
She has her marching orders: Destroy All WrongThinkers.
So like any good Totalitarian Apparatchik, she will do so. And she will enlist others to join her.

Yes, Comrades!
Find them.
Name them.
Shame them.
Then destroy them!

You’d think someone who believes she is trying to stop a Fascist Totalitarian wouldn’t be such a fascist totalitarian.
But that’s the Left for you.  They are the very thing they claim to oppose.
Like most members of the Hollywood ResistanceLOL, Debra Messing is a fool and a useful idiot.
But the modern-day Democrat Party is fueled by useful idiots.
For all their witless prattle about standing up to totalitarians, they have a totalitarian mindset.
For them, power is derived by crushing their enemies under their heels.
If they truly believed their ideas were wildly popular and could easily win at the ballot box, they wouldn’t need to resort to such vicious intimidation tactics.
Debra Messing won’t take a nano-second to reflect on who just might take her up on her call to “find who donated to Trump in your area.”  She won’t stop to consider that there are some seriously dangerous people out there who would happily turn up at people’s homes or businesses to harass, terrorize or even physically harm them.
Because all that matters to loyal apparatchik Debra Messing is turning all of America into the same kind of like-minded bubble that Hollywood is.
She’s totally okay with ordinary Americans being terrorized for supporting the President while simultaneously whining that Trump is terrorizing the country.
Not that she always felt that way… 

As with that totalitarian fool Joaquin Castro, what Debra Messing is doing is straight-up voter intimidation. She cares not what kind of terror she unleashes on American citizens like you and me.
But like everything the totalitarian Left does, this too shall backfire.