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Beto Hogg exposes his inner fascist

“There was a shooting in my hometown, therefore 
I have the moral authority to infringe on your rights!”

I was wrong.  Beto O’Rourke isn’t morphing into Eric Swalwell; he’s morphing into David Hogg. Of course, I did christen Eric Swalwell the David Hogg of Presidential Candidates. So maybe Beto Hogg is just picking up where poor loser Eric Hogg left off.

Much like the Pusillanimous Pompadour of Parkland, Beto Hogg doesn’t know what in the hell he’s talking about, but since a murder spree took place in his hometown, he thinks he has the moral authority to violate your Constitutionally-protected rights.

Spoiler alert: He doesn’t.

Yet ever since his floundering campaign decided to exploit the shooting in El Paso to goose his poll numbers, Beto Hogg has doubled down on his unconstitutional rhetoric.

And in doing so, he’s revealed his inner fascist. 

And what kind of guns does Beto Hogg define as “assault weapons?”

Well, the most popular semi-automatic rifle in the country.

But how does one “buy back” something one never sold in the first place?

“Buy Back” is fascist-speak for gun confiscation.

Because, for Beto Hogg, if you refuse to “sell” your gun to the government, the government will take them by force and jail you for not complying.

Inevitably, Democrat can’t help but expose their inner fascist.

For them, Government rules over the people.

You are not sovereign individuals, but subjects.

For Beto Hogg, government is not derived from the consent of the governed. Instead, it is derived by centralizing power. And what better way to increase and centralize power over the people than by disarming them?

Beto Hogg truly does believe that Government bestows rights on its subjects.  Rights are not unalienable (except apparently abortion). Rather our Rights are dependent on the whims of our rulers in Washington.

So if Washington decides you don’t “need” a semi-automatic rifle, then you don’t have a right to one.

And if you refuse to comply with a “mandatory buy-back” order, force is the inevitable next step.

This is exactly what the Second Amendment was supposed to prevent — a government that seeks tyranny over Liberty, force over Freedom.

Like the rest of the Democrat Party, it’s the Constitution that Beto Hogg has a problem with.

Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are what constrain the fascistic tendencies of people like Beto O’Rourke, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders and the rest of the 2020 Democrat kooks.

Which is exactly why they seek to destroy it.  They want unconstrained government. 

Whether it’s the Electoral College, Free Speech, the Right to keep and bear arms, whatever constrains them from going full-on fascist has to go.

Democrats fear Liberty, Individual Sovereignty, and an armed citizenry.

Which is as it should be.  We the People keep the Government in check.

And it’s that check that the Democrats object to.

They would prefer that the people fear the Government.

There’s a reason that every single proposed “agenda” or “plan” they concoct never increases your freedom.

They don’t want you free; they want you compliant.

So is it any wonder they don’t want you armed?

A free, armed citizenry cannot be controlled.

And for fascistic little cranks like Beto Hogg, controlling and constraining the people is the purpose of government.