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CNN Defends Their Co-Worker...

Conservative Treehouse

CNN Defends Andrew McCabe: 

“Prosecuting lying in these very 

esoteric circumstances, is very rare”

As you listen to Jeffrey Toobin defend former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, play a little mental juxtaposition game and replace McCabe with General Mike Flynn.  Then contemplate just how hypocritical, sanctimonious, biased and politically obtuse this CNN crew of narrative engineers really are.  WATCH:

Here’s a juxtaposed transcript using Toobins exact words:

…”This is an extremely unusual prosecution.  Michael Flynn had the right to speak to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, that is beyond dispute. As incoming National Security Advisor he had the right to speak to ambassadors. He also had an impeccable record as one of the most honored and successful DNI heads of his generation.”

…”It’s complicated.  It is really difficult to understand even what the lie is here; the alleged lie.  The alleged lie is while Flynn had the right to speak to Ambassador Kislyak, and he spoke to Ambassador Kislyak… well, months later, describe what was in the conversation that you had every right to have; at a time when Flynn’s being interviewed about a different subject.  Being prosecuted for lying in these very esoteric circumstances, where it’s about this conversation – then that conversation, well, it’s very rare. You know”…