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Sometimes I Rant

Commentary offered by contibutor America1st

This is my current letter written to FBI Director Wray, no doubt it will be ignored but it makes me feel better. I have also sent copies to:
President Trump
Vice President Pence
AG Barr
Speaker Pelosi
Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy
Senator Schumer
Senator McConnell
Washington Post
New York Times
Fox News

I wish everyone would either pirate this letter or write their own and inundate the Media and our Political leaders.

22 August 2019

735 Pennsylvania NW
Washington DC 20535-0001
Attention: FBI Director Wray

Director Wray:
It has been over two years, we have seen one of the greatest coup attempts in American history perpetrated by Liberal Democrats and their sycophants within the United States Government ranks.
Specifically we have seen leaders of the CIA (Brennan), FBI (Comey), DOJ (Lynch) and ODNI (Clapper) who obviously were either complicit or actually the actual leaders of this coup.
America’s Media has already proven they are part of this coup, we know too many suffer from nepotism with our Intelligence institutions.
A majority of Americans have lost confidence in these institutions, we know you and your kind are not to be trusted based on seeing the following actions reported.
What have we seen over the last two and half years?
1.     FBI Agents have been caught taking bribes, gifts such as, meals, tickets, vacations, these are bribes!
2.     The Director of the FBI was fired for lying, deemed incompetent and possibly having such a God Complex he should be in an institution!
3.     The Assistant Director of the FBI was fired for lying, or you bureaucrats so eloquently state, “lack of candor”
4.     At least five FBI agents have been caught showing such bias they don’t belong at a McDonalds let along our supposed premier Law Enforcement Agency.
5.     Senior Special Agent Strozk was demoted, his e-mails alone have done more damage to the FBI than almost everything else.
6.     Senior Legal Counsel Page resigns after being caught showing her level of animus toward 50% of the American people.
7.     Strozk and Page carry on an affair using FBI equipment to hide the issue.
8.     Director Wray explains how Bureaucrat Clinton is more important than an average American citizen.
9.     Director Wray tells the American people he is proud of an Agency rife with bureaucrats who are busy doing everything but their jobs.
10.  Director Wray tells us how good the FBI is while disregarding the obvious cancer infecting his Agency.
I could go on with points, but really, why? It is obvious you as well as the majority of the Professional Political Oligarchy think we in “fly over” country are unimportant!
This investigation has been going on for over two years, TWO YEARS! What does our premier Law Enforcement Agency have to say?
“The FBI believes Clinton’s server may have been hacked?” Really?
It has become so obvious we the taxpayer are not getting our money’s worth in performance. With a budget of over $9,000,000,000 we see a circus of professional political hacks running around covering their own rear ends.
Director Wray, if you really value your professional reputation and that of your agency, please stop with the government double speak and grow a pair, talk like a man and clean house.
President Trump appointed you to do that, he also expects you to release all information and let the American people see how deep the Cancer of Liberalism and partisans has infected our institutions.
I pray IG Horowitz report is instrumental in exposing this cancer, leading to arrests and convictions of the traitors who have attempted to take down a duly elected President, I must say I have little any of this will happen.
You must decide, is faith and respect of the American Citizen more important than your cushy life in corrupt Washington D.C.
I hope you are enough of a man with principles to know the difference and which is more important.
