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President Trump signs order forgiving disabled veteran student debt.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:51 AM PT — Thursday, August 22, 2019
President Trump signed a memorandum forgiving disabled veterans’ student debt, while addressing a veterans convention in Louisville, Kentucky. The signing took place Wednesday at the 75th Annual AMVETS National Convention.

According to the Trump administration, the order will permanently expunge around $30,000 in debt owed by more than 25,000 disabled veterans.

“That’s hundreds of millions of dollars in student debt held by our severely wounded warriors — it’s gone forever,” said the President.

President Trump also said the federal income tax on the forgiven loans will be waived, imploring states to do the same. He commended the countless veterans who made great sacrifices to protect the United States, and called them incredible people.

“They’ve made a sacrifice that’s so great and they’re such incredible people, and they never complain, they never complain,” he stated.

The new executive order displays the president’s undying support for the armed services and veterans, joining the long list of pro-veteran legislation passed this term.

“We have also expanded the GI Bill so that veterans can use their benefits to get an education at any point in their lifetime,” the president continued. “A crucial reform to expand opportunity to veterans in every stage in their career — that’s a big thing.”