The Process President Trump Can Use to Release ANY Information, Regardless of Classification Level
The President of the United States is recognized in the U.S. Constitution as a person; the ultimate control authority within the Executive Branch of Government. President Donald J Trump is that person.
I am citing two examples below; however, the same approach applies to any information President Trump would want to release to the general public. There is absolutely no way for the Administrative State to block or impede this approach.
Dear Mr. President and White House counsel:
Understanding the ordinary process of declassifying documents or releasing information is a request and authorization to the executive officers and stakeholders of classified information. And understanding the current authorization or request for information is not ordinary because the intelligence community stakeholders and Washington DC are averse to the interests of the office of the president; here is a process to cut through the chaff and countermeasures.
The background here is that any unilateral declassification request, demand or authorization by President Trump puts him opposition to a variety of corrupt interests.
As a direct result the executive office of the president will be facing legal action, likely from unified democrats and republicans in the legislative branch. With that accepted, here is the most strategic approach.
In anticipation of litigation:
President Trump informs the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard, that he wishes to have a full intelligence briefing on the following documents (more may be added), all documents are to be presented without a single redaction:
The full and complete records relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
The full and complete records relating to the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The President selects a date for this briefing and through direct orders to his chief of staff, Susie Wiles and National Security Advisor, Mike Waltz, informs the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard, to advise and coordinate with all executive branch intelligence officials, who were/are stakeholders in the compartmented intelligence products as described above, of their request be present for the briefing.
The White House counsel’s office is not to be informed of the intent or purpose of the meeting; however, the Presidents’ White House counsel is requested to attend. Further, all of the compartmented intelligence is to be collectively assembled by the ODNI (Gabbard) into one volume of a singular Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) although each set might be file boxes. There are to be eighteen printed copies of the PDB material assembled and secured for the briefing, post haste.
Additionally, the office of the president personally informs the ODNI (Gabbard) of the executives’ request to invite for the briefing each member of the legislative branch Intelligence Community oversight known as the Gang-of-Eight.
Immediately after the briefing by the executive level (cabinet) department officials, while remaining in a closed and classified session, the full and comprehensive content of this collective intelligence product will be discussed with the full assembly of the U.S. Legislative Branch Intelligence Oversight known as the Gang of Eight.
Therefore, National Security Advisor Mike Waltz is instructed to coordinate with the ODNI (Gabbard) for the attendance of the Gang of Eight: Speaker Mike Johnson, Minority leader Hakeem Jeffries, HPSCI Chairman Rick Crawford, HPSCI Ranking Member Jim Himes, Senate Majority Leader John Thune, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, SSCI Chairman Tom Cotton and SSCI Vice-Chair Mark Warner. [Topic “TBD”]
In order to facilitate the briefing. Each member of the participating group will be provided with one full printed copy of the material assembled by the ODNI during the briefing.
[Each of the participants carries the prerequisite clearances, legal and constitutional authority to engage with the classified documents according to their position and status. Only the executive can assemble the product for Go8 review and feedback]
At the conclusion of the briefing; and after hearing from, and engagement with, each of the participating members of the executive intelligence offices and duly authorized legislative oversight representatives; and after listening to their opinion as to the subject material discussed; the president announces to the fully assembled leadership of both the Executive branch (cabinet) and Legislative branch (Go8), it is his opinion the National Interests of the United States can best be served with the American people having a full, transparent and honest review of the material assembled and discussed.
The President, no-one else, only the President, [with his affirmed constitutional power and protection – as acting within his official duty] then collects the printed portfolios [or boxes] as they were distributed to the participants, exits the briefing, and walks directly into the James Brady press briefing room within the White House; handing each of the awaiting twelve members of the national media a copy of the briefing material to be published on behalf of the American people.
At exactly the same time as President Trump enters the briefing room, one copy of the assembled portfolio is hand delivered, by President Trump only, to White House communications director with instructions to scan and release the content to the public through the White House website.
The American people are aware…
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