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JD Vance Delivers Speech on Techno-Optimism vs Populism

When Vice-President JD Vance delivers prepared remarks about Artificial Intelligence, pay attention.

JD Vance is the 2028 presidential candidate of choice for the Technocrats; the current goal is to envelop the MAGA populist movement for the intents and purposes of the collective network of Technocrats.

This motive and intent baseline will not change as Vance positions to replace President Donald Trump.

During a speech to the American Dynamism Summit, JD Vance outlines his optimism for the future of the U.S. economy, as boosted by the technological advances in artificial intelligence.

Within his remarks, Vance correctly notes some voices are saying there is going to be a major fracture between the “Techno-optimists” and the “populists.” However, Vance defines that chasm, and then refutes that fear/concern around jobs, advanced AI, automation, innovation and the economy. He misses what will be the root cause of the fracture completely.

Vice-President Vance notes there is nothing to fear from innovation, artificial intelligence, robotics and advanced industrial application of emerging technology. Indeed, all facets of economic growth through the use of all the aforementioned enterprises are correctly framed by the vice president.

There is nothing to fear on the economic front from the technological advancements currently underway.

Let me repeat, before I get misinterpreted….

Everything JD Vance says about the economic future of the United States, against the backdrop of innovation and AI is accurate. JD Vance is 100% correct. However, that’s not the predictable root cause of the upcoming fracture between the Techno-Optimists (his term) and the MAGA populists.

The fracture is going to come as an outcome of how AI networks with government and then destroys privacy, liberty and ultimately freedom for Americans.

It is not the economic side of the AI system Vance supports on behalf of his benefactors that is problematic; it’s the creation of a compliant surveillance state that flows as a natural outcome of advanced and automated AI systems within a highly weaponized government. That’s the problem. That where the fracture will occur.

Techno-optimists are not paying any attention to how their beloved AI networking can be weaponized in a surveillance state.  When you combine fully automated AI data processing with ‘Real ID’, facial recognition software, digital identities created for each American and the motives of govt, you can easily predict what comes next.

The U.S. surveillance system can then be fine-tuned (depending on who is in charge of it) to use the real-time digital and physical identity to control access to systems. Write a Facebook post critical of government, get blocked from your bank account. Do something defined by government as against their interests, lose your access to travel etc.

The problem for Americans is how advanced AI will be deployed under the guise of efficiency to create a comprehensive DHS surveillance state.

The predictable system will automate, connecting every aspect of our lives to our compliance in living that life in the manner approved by those who control the system.

Privacy, freedom and liberty, core fundamental principles of our American system, are replaced with surveillance and defined citizen compliance. These are the pesky issues JD Vance and his Techno-Optimists (Thiel, Sacks, Musk, Ellison, et al) do not want to consider when they think about those pesky ‘proles’ they call “populists.”

Vice-President JD Vance has been constructed as the palatable messenger to calm the fears of MAGA. To calm those AI fears, Vance focuses attention to the well-discussed AI issues around jobs, labor and employment as outlined in his speech.

Listen carefully. However, the issue is not economics, it’s about privacy and liberty. WATCH: