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CNN Attempts to Debate Constitutional Law with Stephen Miller, Over Criminal Alien Deportation

CNN’s Kasie Hunt cannot fathom the plenary power provided by the U.S. constitution that separates the power of the executive branch from judicial review on all determinations of ‘national security’.  Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Miller attempts to educate the leftist media who stand jaw agape at the power contained within a nationally elected President Trump.

What follows in the debate is typical of what you would hear from a college student who recently exits the indoctrination program of a leftist university.  Hunt tries to argue ‘separation of power’ which is exactly the point Miller is making.  Judge James Boasberg is overstepping his authority within the judicial branch by attempting to instruct the executive branch about ‘national security’ determinations.

The producers are trying to send Hunt instructions electronically, and while Hunt is checking her devices for instructions, she struggles to hear the arguments presented by Miller and organize counterpoints. CNN looks silly.  WATCH: