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Sec. Collins to Newsmax: 'Veterans Are First' in Trump's VA


Secretary of Veterans Affairs Doug Collins told Newsmax on Wednesday that under the Trump administration, "veterans are first at the VA."

On Monday, the VA let go an additional 1,400 employees in what the administration described as "nonmission-critical" probationary workers.

The cuts have sparked backlash from lawmakers and employees arguing the VA will not be able to provide adequate care. Collins said, under the previous administration, "their idea of government was to throw money and people at any problem." 

"We saw that really didn't work in education. We saw it didn't work in a lot of places. And frankly, it doesn't work in many of the businesses lines that we have up here, from health to benefits to even our cemeteries. So what we've got to do is say, Can we do it better? Do it more efficiently, and still have the veteran receive the benefits?" Collins said during an appearance on "The Chris Salcedo Show."

The former Republicans congressman from Georgia said under his leadership, the priorities are going to change.

"Because our focus here is using all the resources that I can to make sure our veterans are first at the VA," he added.  
