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Former USAID Administrator Samantha Power Defends Institutional Interests

Former USAID Administrator Samantha Power, the architect of the “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine (R2P) traveled to CBS HQ in New York for a late-night television appearance with Stephen Colbert.   The purpose of Power’s appearance was to defend the institutional interests of her former agency, as USAID comes under scrutiny for ridiculous spending and manipulation of foreign and domestic politics.

Mrs. Power does her very best Sally Stuthers impersonation as she claims the only purpose of USAID is to facilitate charity and life-saving public health in “underserved nations” around the world.  Colbert never asked her, if true – then why spend time in healthy Hungary and well-fed Europe? I digress.

Similarly, if the mission of USAID is as Mrs. Power described, then why was she never describing that ‘humanitarian relief’ type of activity in all of her self-promotion videos that she distributed during her travel.  I am going to post a short example below the Colbert video so you can watch it, listen to what Power says in her own words about her objective, and then contrast that against the USAID mission as she proclaims on Late Night television.

Below is USAID Administrator Samantha Power traveling Europe talking about her priority mission on behalf of USAID.  Contrast her remarks on Colbert with her actual remarks during her travels.  Notice her emphasis on “building media,” how many starving children in the Sudan are fed by building out a media influence system in Europe?

In that short video, Samantha Power, the U.S. State Dept (USAID) and CIA, are essentially admitting to running a political influence operation in Hungary, seeding the groundwork for another color revolution.  They were not trying to hide it at the time.  However, with newly awakened Americans now looking at the revelations from within the USAID review, suddenly the mission changes to feeding starving children in Africa.

This USAID cover story to make the CIA control opaque was always the element people struggled to see.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

How much did Paramount Global or CBS receive from USAID?