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The Inaugural Of Genocide

 Sunlit7 op

As inauguration day approaches Trump seems to be disgruntled by the fact that the preparatory layout to implement his planned prosperity for the Palestinian people hasn't come to fruition and threatens to tarnish his image as a no war president. Otherwise described as his new paradigm for the region through the Abraham Accords, Trump sounds a little disappointed that Bibi Netanyahu has once again let him down. The press has addressed it as a preference to avoid inheriting the Israel-Hamas war as he prepares to take office, but there isn't any amount of dressing it up that will exclude him of being responsible for the whole mess.

"If the hostages are not released by inauguration day, all hell will break out in the middle east. It will not be good for Hamas, and it will not be good, frankly, for anyone else. I don't have anymore to say, but that's what it is."

Saying before he proceeds to say more.

There should have never been the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas on Israel.

There should have never been but there was, and frankly it was because as described by Trump after the attack, first words spoken, was on Bibi having let him down before, and Kushner's description in an interview that Trump knew Bibi was going to let him down when it came to the Abraham Accords. That's why Bibi, according to Kushner, was stabbed in the back politically and taken out of office, but before departing was dragged through out the middle east to "contentiously" sign agreements with Arabs leaders so, as described by Kushner, he could go back to Washington and have his last couple weeks be peaceful. Which they were he claimed. Now when Trump says frankly it will not be good for anyone, I am sure he's not speaking of the innocent people trapped between the warring parties, as nothing has been good for them since October 7th, and there is a larger plan in place to "get the job done", as Trump would term it, and the consequences could be severe to all parties involved who have failed the basic requisite to be in the clean up stage upon his reentry into office.

There could be, however remote the possibility looks to be, the release of any remaining hostages, but the middle east plays on a whole different level than anyone else in the world. They don't care if he has a bigger red button on his desk, or advanced weapon technologies he could use on them, they'll fight to the death of every last soldier to seek their reward in heaven. He should have heeded his own words when he said he's seen what these people are capable of, or the words spoken by the whole of the defense departments upon Kushner's delivery of the news he had signed agreements by the leaders of Arab states and they told him he was a young naïve man. Some people though, have to learn by their own experiences, and now they are going to get it handed to them, and like the defense department officials told them, this is going to be a disaster, we don't want anything to do with it, and all the blame is going to fall on your shoulders.

This is why they need Hegseth, why they want him confirmed before the inauguration. A man full of the vulnerabilities that Trump just loves to take advantage of, a serial sexual predator to much of a clown to realize that, as Gaetz and Epstein have proved, Trump loves to lay waste to. My calculation is greater than not, that when Trump is done with him, he'll come out with a worse face lift than Gaetz with his own show on American Online News, if not in prison because the only objective this can be at this time, is complete genocide on the remaining individuals in Gaza. Like the whole of the defense department officials who didn't want this laid on their shoulders, neither do Trump and Kushner, and they've done a good job thus far escaping blame for any of the carnage already created by their new paradigm for the region.

An inauguration day would be a day to pick for a genocide. With the media and all those who have waited four years to see the Biden agenda erased focused on that, Hegseth will be busy further reducing Gaza's poverty and unemployment rates. While the elites gather in expensive gowns and suits, eating their hor d' oeuvres and drinking champagnes nobody ever heard of, what remains of Gaza will be demolished and helpless, starved, defenseless individuals with no dog in this fight will be fleeing for their lives and many simply won't make it. All while people are distracted by Trump's executive order antics, and the glitz and glamour of the evening that will abound.

Jared Kushner: "We want to build all the necessary infrastructure. We want to make these different industries are stimulated. If we do that properly, uh, we believe that this plan will create over a million news jobs in the west bank and Gaza. We can reduce the unemployment rate down to single digits and we think it can decease the poverty rate by fifty percent, those are all goals we should really strive to but cannot happen without a peace agreement, but without a real plan prosperity doesn't happen, prosperity has to be planned for, earned and executed very, very, erstly.


So th' one for wrong, the other strives for right

and each to deadly shame would drive his foe

the cruell steele so greedily doth bright

in tender flesh that streames of bloud down flow

1590 - Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queen