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Glenn Greenwald Gives Perspective on Tulsi Gabbard’s Changed Support for FISA-702

Glenn Greenwald follows the internal workings of the intelligence community apparatus in Washington DC very closely.

In this segment Greenwald accurately puts the changed position of Tulsi Gabbard into context and then outlines why he remains optimistic about her intent at ODNI while reluctantly accepting her likelihood to retain the acceptable baseline of the IC toward FISA-702.

The best-case scenario is that Tulsi Gabbard will retain 702 as a tool yet remove or stop how it is being unlawfully used.   Unfortunately, as Director of National Intelligence Gabbard will not have control over the day-to-day use of FISA-702, that job will fall on the shoulders of Pam Bondi.

The DOJ-National Security Division is the place where FISA authorities are deployed.  However, the use of the NSA database to conduct unlawful searches of American citizen metadata is the issue where Tulsi Gabbard could gain ammunition to change who has access.

Personally, given the change in position, the fallback position is to hope DNI Tulsi Gabbard moves to curtail the number of people with access to the database and provide demonstrable accountability for any unlawful use of it.