Back to the Beginning
So it begins: a new year, a new presidency, and, for America, a new lease on life. Yet it feels as if we’ve been here before, doesn’t it?
Political juggernaut Donald Trump has ascended like a Musk rocket and vanquished the Obama-Clinton-Deep-State machine. Authoritarian members of the medical community are panicking about “bird flu” and demanding masks, lockdowns, and experimental “vaccines.” National debt continues to rise, and the rusting, sclerotic Establishment offers only war, climate taxes, and central bank funny money as lead-weighted “life buoys” to keep the financial system afloat. The people are finding their voices, and because Western authorities somewhat secretly despise free speech, governments and technological powerhouses are all clamoring for more censorship and A.I.-managed algorithms capable of isolating and punishing dissent. It’s 2025, but as Yogi Berra would say, it’s déjà vu all over again!
Some things are different, though:
(1) Hollywood has been mostly silent since President Trump’s electoral triumph. Aside from D-list has-been Mark Hamill’s whiny tantrums over Trump’s return (a tired role for a tiny man desperately seeking a spotlight), the opinionated nincompoops have little to say. Did the Democrat Consulting Class forget to write Tinseltown some new lines for this season’s soapy political drama? Or are many “stars” from the Walk of Fame too busy chasing bit parts in pharmaceutical commercials and Hallmark Christmas movies to risk pissing off what’s left of their fan base?
What happened to the “brave” thespians who promised eight years ago that Trump would never assume office? I think they all ended up taking co-hosting gigs on The View. Remember when the forgotten cast from The West Wing and some of Rob Reiner’s favorite pod people starred in commercials arguing for the Electoral College to ignore the 2016 results and install unlikable Hillary? So very insurrection-y! Such an attack on our fragile “democracy”! Yet wealthy celebs never got the J6 treatment! Two-tiered “justice” is (D)ifferent for privileged “elites.” Although...I hear there are a few new sheriffs coming to town.
(2) Some of the worst propagandists on cable news are dabbling in a bit of belated introspection. Shocker, I know! Our national “reporters” are so dumb and arrogant that I didn’t realize they even knew what the word “introspection” means. Newly self-aware reporters on CNN: Should we have been more honest about Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive infirmities? Did our endless gaslighting make us look daft and perhaps expose us as information warfare operatives for the State (which we are — fist bump!)? Answer from every sentient American: Duh, you journalistic nitwits; nobody believes anything you say. Learn to code, losers.
Do you recall when “journalists” received so much unsolicited career advice from sensible Americans that they redefined “learn to code” as “hate speech” and got people banned on Twitter? Nobody hates the First Amendment as much as the American press corps! In their small, incurious, and easily managed minds, only people who work for big corporations should be allowed to talk! In 2025, the mainstream media’s mendacious, dull-witted, and self-aggrandizing reign comes to an end.
(3) The same Deep State that gave us the Russia collusion hoax, fake criminal investigations, fake White House scandals, fake news, fake insurrections, fake impeachments, and fake justice (stay strong, J6 political prisoners!) is remaining relatively mum for the time being. I know that our spy agencies are busy overthrowing other elected governments throughout the West (sorry, Romania, Georgia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Serbia, Moldova, and everywhere else the U.S. State Department and Agency for International Development run cover for the CIA’s covert political operations), but shouldn’t the FBI and its seventeen spooky friends in the domestic espionage business be flooding our communications networks with reasons why Russia stole the 2024 election for Trump and informing us that a super-secret executive order from the days of the Cold War magically reverts all power back to Barack Obama? That’s why Obama has been the only president to keep a residence in D.C. after his time in office, right? Because otherwise, his refusal to leave the capital looks a lot like the action of someone hell-bent on directing a shadow government, undermining constitutional norms, dividing bureaucratic loyalties, and biding his time until he can seize the crown.
I’m so used to the Intelligence Community overthrowing our elected leaders (read: Kennedy and Nixon) and blackmailing those in office that the looming transfer of power seems too peaceful to feel normal. The Deep State is usually too coup-coup for regime change to respect the outcome of democratic elections, but here we are on the cusp of Trump II, and the powers that be have thus far failed to prevent his return. Even Obama’s corrupt, commie-curious director of the CIA, John Brennan, complimented Trump’s transition team the other day. Sounds as if someone would rather stay out of prison for fraudulently defending the bogus Steele Dossier, fraudulently labeling the incriminating and authenticated Hunter Biden laptop as “Russian disinformation,” and undermining both the 2016 and 2020 elections with Intelligence Community–sponsored lies.

(4) The Antifa domestic terrorists, the Black Lives Matter arsonists, and all the abortion-on-demand, “I don’t know what a woman is, but no man can tell me what to do,” vulva-hat-wearing screechers are AWOL. Shouldn’t they be setting fires and murdering people right now — or at least annoying those of us with eyes and ears with their rude, shrill, off-putting, and often perverse theatrics? Have they lost their will to “resist,” or have their billionaire sugar daddies temporarily cut off their allowances? Maybe Kamala Harris burned through all those astroturfing activists’ Soros cash when she lit two billion dollars on fire for her “Make America Obnoxious and Dumb” campaign. I’m so glad we didn’t get MAODed! I’m also glad that the toy soldiers who like to playact at revolution have decided to get high and sit out new episodes of The Resistance. Their performance art is tiresome community theater, and Americans deserve better than their “Che” Guevara cosplay.
(5) Finally, Mar-a-Lago has become the unofficial capital of the world. Foreign leaders, tech titans, and Wall Street honchos have lined up to congratulate the president-elect, seek his assistance, or beg forgiveness for their roles in whatever Deep State schemes they might have helped orchestrate when their orders were to sabotage his first term. So much water has flowed under the bridge, right? Surely we should let bygones be bygones and look to the future, correct? Well, if President Trump’s past behavior is any indication, he will forgive and move forward. It is rare to see a leader so maligned yet so willing to find common ground with enemies. Perhaps that’s the spirit that has made Trump a great builder. It is surely the right spirit for building a stronger, more prosperous America in the years to come.
As for the rest of us, we may forgive the backstabbers and saboteurs in time, but we will never forget what they have done to us or our nation. Our eyes are open, and we are watching. We have much to do. This is only the beginning.
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